On a warm, sunlit August morning in New Hampshire, the cool, crystal water of Lake Mascoma looked like silver-blue satin ruffling in the breeze, twinkling with light. On this beautiful summer day, Marine Corps Veteran Pauline “Polly” (Stark) (Boivin) Moriglioni, who will turn 93 years old in November, was sitting in the cockpit of her tandem kayak, ready to launch, get out on the lake and grab that perfect slice of summer.
Polly had always been active and loved the outdoors. She frequently rode bicycles with her grandchildren and would often play ball with her great grandchildren, running around the yard and kicking the ball at 85 years old. “One time, I went outside to reprimand one of the great grandchildren about the ball hitting the house,” explained Dee, Polly’s daughter, “and it was ‘gram’ who turned out to be the culprit!”