Posted on Jun 19, 2016
Mario Berlanga: Pulling Down the Curtain: The Truth about the Supply Chain of Illegal Drugs
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
It runs in my family. My sister killed herself by it and alcohol and my 2 step daughters are high school dropouts and addicted to cigs, pot, alcohol and one has used at least a dozen drugs and you wonder why she has seizures, panic attacks and they are paranoid too. Stay sober, don't start and if you have addiction problems sobriety continues after rehab for life! Drugs support the local druggies called gang members, it destabilizes countries like Mexico and most of Central and South America and it helps the Taliban too!
LTC (Join to see)
Capt Richard I P. - That is why if someone on RP talks about drinking,wine or any alcohol, I come unglued here. My sister never wanted to grow up and she would call me when she was at a bar and be drunk. Drinking and pain killers made her kill herself when she got served for divorce on the 4th of July of last year.
ROSE LORETTA CONWAY's Obituary on Orange County Register
Read the Obituary and view the Guest Book, leave condolences or send flowers. | Conway, Rose Loretta 9/20/1965 - 7/4/2015 I am sad to announce the sudden passing of Rose Loretta Conway. Loretta was born in Los Angeles. She was raised in Whittier and La Palma, CA. Loretta
Most Americans view their illegal drug use as a victimless crime (as he stated in the video). The reality is that it is not. We are a country that is more concerned about how chickens are raised for consumption that how many humans are killed to get people's fix here.
It is a linear accountability. Every time you light up, inject, snort, huff etc your drug of choice people in Mexico (and other counties) are paying with their life. If eating a piece of meat because an animal is killed during the process disturbs you, how much more should it disturb you that innocent people are being exterminated to get you your fix.
It is a linear accountability. Every time you light up, inject, snort, huff etc your drug of choice people in Mexico (and other counties) are paying with their life. If eating a piece of meat because an animal is killed during the process disturbs you, how much more should it disturb you that innocent people are being exterminated to get you your fix.
Capt Richard I P.
Cpl Jeff N. Good points, I would quibble just a touch. It is the payment for the drugs that does the damage to others, not the use of it. And that is because of the laws as they stand. In the same way that paying for alcohol fueled Capone during prohibition.
Cpl Jeff N.
Agreed, it is the value (or the profit) in illegal drugs that causes the crime in countries like Mexico. I still choose to root cause it and it is the use of drugs (preceded by the purchase). Eliminate the demand and the supply dries up. I know, easier said than done. Allowing or accepting drugs as a legal use item will put un in the unenviable position of supporting people destroying their lives, families and ultimately killing themselves (in many cases). Drugs are not like alcohol. You can have a glass of wine or a cocktail without getting drunk and most of us can control ourselves with it. Narcotics have only one purpose and that is to get high/stoned.
I am not in favor of the government legalizing narcotics and trying to turn them into a revenue stream. I know that is en vogue in some circles. The risk with many of the substances is simply too great. We need to find a way to create more responsible citizens. I know, easier said than done.
I am not in favor of the government legalizing narcotics and trying to turn them into a revenue stream. I know that is en vogue in some circles. The risk with many of the substances is simply too great. We need to find a way to create more responsible citizens. I know, easier said than done.
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