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Responses: 14
CW5 Andrew J. Foreman
I am sorry for her loss but it is an issue that must be discussed. It is HRC record as Sec of State.
MSgt Michael Bischoff
MSgt Michael Bischoff
>1 y
I can be discussed without his name. Ambassador has the same meaning. Again political fodder!!
CW5 Andrew J. Foreman
CW5 Andrew J. Foreman
>1 y
MSgt Michael Bischoff - Kind of mute point since we all know their names. I think it should be driven home over and over again how she failed as the Sec of State.
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PO3 David Fries
It's a campaign and a talking point. Every side uses them. The only reason for the "addicted" is because you don't agree with their talking points.
PO3 David Fries
PO3 David Fries
>1 y
MSgt Michael Bischoff - If they were asked to stop using his name and they don't, then that's disrespectful. If they don't use his name, but continue to bring up Benghazi, then that's just politics.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
>1 y
MSgt Michael Bischoff - I imagine if the roles were reversed and it was a Republican Admin Sec of State, you'd be quoting the lines of the other families who are criticizing Clinton right now. She's not being mistreated. Four Americans died and Clinton is responsible. This is not about just Ambassador Stevens, but rather the bad decisions that put us there, the lies told about it, and the fact that Clinton is behind it all.
MSgt Michael Bischoff
MSgt Michael Bischoff
>1 y
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin - It's not reversed like I constantly here so you can only guess what would be done.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
>1 y
You're right partially... Except for two things; First, you failed to account for the fact that Clinton's actions resulted in a failed state in Libya, currently becoming a safe haven for terror factions. Whether you agree with Bush's actions or not in Iraq, he left office with the country on a path to success and he listened to the needs of his military experts on how to get there. Second, the casualties resulting from Bush's actions, were part of an ongoing combat operation in the country of Iraq to which he has taken responsibility for. Have you once heard Clinton take responsibility for the deaths in Libya? War tends to have casualties and in the case of Iraq (and the GWOT all together), the number of US casualties compared to almost every other US war is significantly lower. Clinton was not conducting combat operations in Libya when her people were killed, she did not provide the requested security for her diplomatic mission, and she attempted to blame the motivation for the attack on something else. There are definitely some very stark differences between Clinton's actions and President Bush's.
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SGT English/Language Arts Teacher
I read her letter she wrote to the New York Times. It was very touching.
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