Posted on Feb 7, 2018
Navy’s massive training overhaul faces long-term threat
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 5
Two thoughts come to mind immediately - 1. Let's use Social Security Funds elsewhere and say that the SS System is underfunded due to not enough payers in it. (Congress). 2. The cuts in the Surface Officer training program before reporting to their first ship in order to "save funds and get there JOs to their ships faster, after all, they can learn it just as fast on the job."
The best way to teach NEW skills is in the classroom. We can supplement learning IN THE CLASSROOM with computers, simulators, and highly trained instructors, but these are not easily available in the fleet at any comparable cost. Once again Navy is trying to save money at the expense of training and long term we will not have fully trained personnel in the field (SHIPS).
The best way to teach NEW skills is in the classroom. We can supplement learning IN THE CLASSROOM with computers, simulators, and highly trained instructors, but these are not easily available in the fleet at any comparable cost. Once again Navy is trying to save money at the expense of training and long term we will not have fully trained personnel in the field (SHIPS).

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PO1 Tony Holland The Navy is just going to repeat recent history. Can you imagine industry, Medical profession, High Tech industry, and the Dental proffession only getting their training in piece meal? The old "A","B" & "C" school system worked wonders in my day, and I can tell you the sailors I got in the fleet were hitting the decks running!
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