This photograph was taken in front of a captured Japanese Navy Communications facility. The U.S. Marines, 3rd Radio Intelligence Platoon took over the station and used as communications interception facility. Pictured are Marines and Navy Radio Intelligence personnel.
Front row: (1) LT Jay David, USNR (NAVSUPPRADSTA OIC); SGT Donald W. Enochson; and (3), at far right, 1st LT Joseph A. Petrosky, Jr, USMC (Platoon Commander) (OTRG class #12).
Second row: (kneeling): (4) PFC Wilbur G. Gilland; (5) PFC John Cavrich; (6) PFC Kenneth R. Perkins; (7) CPL Charles A. Jamerson; (8) CPL Richard F. Hudson; (9) PFC Floyd W. Dial; and (10) SGT John R. Menser.
Third row: (bending over): (11) PFC William R. Van Sickle; (12) PFC James M. Reifert; (13) PFC Robert M. Condon; and (14) CPL Hubert J. Merrigan.
Back row: (standing): (15) SGT John M. Crook; (16) PFC William Phillips, (17) CPL Norman E. Martinson; (18) CPL Paul E. Bailey; (19) CPL Kenneth W. Bean; (20), with cover, MTSGT Clarence F. Gentilecore (Platoon Sergeant) (OTRG class #11) ; (21) SGT Ernest W. Brown; (22) SGT Benjamin F. Wright: (23) PFC Robert J. Kopczynski; (24) PFC Ralph C. Bradshaw; and (25) PFC Keith K Bean. On watch personnel were not included in the photograph.