Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
Well, for the record, had this been an HRC location that was fire bombed the story would be that Trump's mean, hateful, vicious rhetoric has caused more violence to be committed. We would see the lefties on the major network talk shows with their long faces saying look what Trump has wrought!
I don't know who did it but the violence this election cycle has been mostly one way, against Trump and his supporters.
I don't know who did it but the violence this election cycle has been mostly one way, against Trump and his supporters.
SSG Michael Hartsfield
Now you are drawing conclusions based on this hyper-partisan environment. This was a crime Cpl Jeff N., bottom line, up front and a senseless one at that. Trying to assign blame without knowing who was responsible only makes that gap between the Left and the Right that much wider and for the record, if a DNC office got hit like this, I would be saying the say thing. You don't know who did it. I don't know who did it. Let us both be thankful that no one got hurt or killed and the person or persons responsible gets caught
Cpl Jeff N.
SSG Michael Hartsfield I think I said "I don't know who did it". You must have missed that point. My main point is that if there is ANY sort of violence at a Trump rally the left blames it on Trump and his "rhetoric" inciting people. My point stands, if this were a HRC location that had been attacked the media would be all over Trump and his supporters for inciting violence with heated rhetoric. It has been happening for months. You would have to be on another planet not to have seen this happen.
With the media there is only one source to blame. When anti Trump protesters show up to a Trump rally and get violent (attacking Trump supporters in the street) the media blames Trump for it. When people get into a Trump rally and try to incite violence and are sent packing the media blames Trump's rhetoric for the violence.
I was not making a comment on what you might or might not say but on what the media might say had the shoe been on the other foot.
With the media there is only one source to blame. When anti Trump protesters show up to a Trump rally and get violent (attacking Trump supporters in the street) the media blames Trump for it. When people get into a Trump rally and try to incite violence and are sent packing the media blames Trump's rhetoric for the violence.
I was not making a comment on what you might or might not say but on what the media might say had the shoe been on the other foot.
SSG Michael Hartsfield
Did you hear me make any assumptions like that because according to some on RP, I should be a NASCAR driver because all I do is turn to the Left. Also, you are casting aspersions based on the stupidity that people perpetrated in the past. BLUF you, just like me, have no idea who committed this crime just like the media doesn't know and they would be wrong and irresponsible to assume that they did know
There are some interesting comments on this thread and quite frankly its par for the course.
On the Left we have violent protesters, who have trashed vehicles, assaulted people, destroyed property, stolen property, used defamatory statements, called for murder, lied, trumped up fake reports, incited riots, and then blamed it all on Trumps speech “triggering” them and that they are not responsible for their actions. Now they have Fire Bombed a GOP Headquarters… I will say it because that is the Liberal mindset. That which they do not agree with must be destroyed / silenced / locked up / shut down.
The Liberals all say the same thing “well you don’t know it was a liberal that did this” or “well they had it coming because they triggered me / them”
How about the vandalism outside of another of his rallies? That couldn’t possibly be a HRC supporter. http://bangordailynews.com/2016/10/15/news/bangor/vandals-spray-paint-at-least-20-vehicles-outside-trump-rally-in-bangor/
The Liberals seem to thrive on the double standard. The fact that there is no National investigation into this shows how in the Bag the feds are for HRC.
On the Left we have violent protesters, who have trashed vehicles, assaulted people, destroyed property, stolen property, used defamatory statements, called for murder, lied, trumped up fake reports, incited riots, and then blamed it all on Trumps speech “triggering” them and that they are not responsible for their actions. Now they have Fire Bombed a GOP Headquarters… I will say it because that is the Liberal mindset. That which they do not agree with must be destroyed / silenced / locked up / shut down.
The Liberals all say the same thing “well you don’t know it was a liberal that did this” or “well they had it coming because they triggered me / them”
How about the vandalism outside of another of his rallies? That couldn’t possibly be a HRC supporter. http://bangordailynews.com/2016/10/15/news/bangor/vandals-spray-paint-at-least-20-vehicles-outside-trump-rally-in-bangor/
The Liberals seem to thrive on the double standard. The fact that there is no National investigation into this shows how in the Bag the feds are for HRC.

Police on lookout for vandals who spray-painted cars outside Trump rally in Bangor
Several attendees left Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s Saturday rally in Bangor to find their parked cars vandalized with white spray paint. CORRECTION: An earlier version of this report incorrectly stated that Tim Hanlon said he is from Florida. He is from California. Story continues below advertisement.var current_theme = 'bdn';if( [...]
I am not saying that Secretary Clinton advocated this, but who do you think the perpetrators support? I don't think that Secretary Clinton should be tagged for this anymore than Mr. Trump should be tagged for something stupid done against Clinton supporters.
SSG Michael Hartsfield
And that's what's at issue Maj John Bell. No one knows who was responsible but there will those that say " I am not saying that Secretary Clinton advocated this, but.."
No one knows who did this and to cast aspersions like this are dangerous and don't anything but agitate an already jacked up situation
No one knows who did this and to cast aspersions like this are dangerous and don't anything but agitate an already jacked up situation
Maj John Bell
SSG Michael Hartsfield - Then apply the same standard to accusations against Mr. Trump and his supporters, that's all I ask.
SSG Michael Hartsfield
I do and I have. The only thing I've said about those that accused Trump is that they need to be acknowledged and investigated before they can be debunked. Being an armchair investigator or a s&*thouse lawyer ain't gonna cut it.
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