Posted on Oct 13, 2018
Permanently Stationing U.S. Forces in Poland is a Bad Idea, But One Worth Debating
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
A consideration. They are shifting troops because Germany is expensive, and Poland serves as a cheaper choice.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
MSG Floyd Williams - That might have been true during the Cold war days , but now they will hardly notice. Too few troops in too rich a nation
It's worth debate. I still think that rotating maneuver brigades on a rotational basis would certainly keep everyone on there toes!
The main *cough MAJOR* issue with the authors article is he is taking the age old fallacy of using Poland as a buffer zone. With a nation that has constantly in recent memory, treated like trash by those around it (Nazi Germany, USSR), I would not think it prudent to just abandon a valuable ally so quickly. While the authors points may be convenient, I think it would reflect poorly on us. I think Poland deserves better, so do we, and I will agree that it's all worth debating.
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