Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 9
This was a pretty heavy rant, but I think we can all agree that when people stop discussing and debating the issues, the results are going to be less than satisfactory for many. Communication and discourse should be key hallmarks of our culture, and it seems to have fallen away in favor of name calling and vitriol (on both sides).This is obviously satire, but that doesn't mean he can't make a few valid points along the way. Thanks for sharing
"it's the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." Aristotle
Wow! He is pissed and he is right (no pun intended). You can't win on insults. You can't win without telling America what you plan to do once in the WH. You can't change the election by crying and rioting. Look at what went wrong, fix it and then maybe (doubt it) you have a chance in 2020. So far the left haven't learned, they are still just throwing insults, they are still acting like babies, they are maintaining the same course of inaction that lost them the WH.
LCpl Stephen Arnold
Well, maybe with their strong majority in Congress the democrats can change the electoral college; what, they DON'T hold a a majority? However can this be? (Note: Slight traces of sarcasm here, PO3 Foster) good post brother.
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