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Responses: 6
LTC Orlando Illi
Edited >1 y ago
The Author of this well researched and provocative article the intent and scope of the Proposed GOP Tax Cut is a ".... Video game designer and science fiction author from Texas... " Uh Huh. Well being a Video Game aficionado and designer obviously is proof positive that this individual is an EXPERT on TAX LAW. Frankly - I have seen some partisan Liberal Hit Jobs on this site. But for the life of me how can anyone this allegedly objective article seriously?
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CPT Special Forces Officer
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SPC Erich Guenther
Edited >1 y ago
Democrats never saw a tax cut they ever liked, they have always been for ever increasing taxes no mater what the burden is on the working man.

The article puts forward a chunk of falsehoods unsubtantiated by any evidence. We have the National Debt controls we do because the Republicans led the effort. The Democrats have been trying to get around it ever since and it is nice to hear now the Republicans are responsible for blowing a hole in the deficit even though no tax reform has yet to pass and we have not even seen the results nor are we at a FINAL PROPOSAL yet because the Senate has not reconciled what the house sent it. So the 15 year old intellect kid that wrote the story should go back to delivering newspapers in my opinion. He sucks as a writer.

When a tax cut passes at a attempt at tax reform, everyone needs to compromise. Instead once again we see each group trying to hold onto their peace of the pie. Ensuring it will only be half a tax reform if it is ever passed.
SFC Thomas Butler
SFC Thomas Butler
>1 y
To say that the current proposed tax cut does not put "the burden on the working man" is totally incorrect. The bottom line is in order to give millionaires and billioinaires, not to mention multi-billion dollar corporations, a large tax cut, the Republicans will eliminate deductions used not by millionaires and billionaires, but by the middle class. The easiest way to give the middle class a tax cut? Cut taxes on the middle class (the real middle class, not those making $450,000 annually).
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