Posted on Feb 6, 2021
Sasse's message to Nebraska GOP as he faces censure: 'Politics isn't about the weird worship of...
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 2
Two key lines:
"the anger's always been simply about me not bending the knee to one guy,"
"You are welcome to censure me again, but let's be clear about why this is happening: It's because I still believe -- as you used to -- that politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude,"
"the anger's always been simply about me not bending the knee to one guy,"
"You are welcome to censure me again, but let's be clear about why this is happening: It's because I still believe -- as you used to -- that politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude,"
I stand by Sasse for standing up for what he believes and perceives that is right. When the Left is the majority, the right will never have a chance. I guess that working together is a thing of the past. We are now, 'The Divided States of America". But I have no fear, because the end of times is nearer than people think. The lake of fire is going to be very long and wide, all across this world! Those taking the stairways to heaven will only be the believers and the good people of this earth. There have been rulers and kings since the beginning of time, the leaders are mostly rich and govern over the poor. Good historical examples; The French revolution from 1789-1799 10 long years of suffering, The English revolution 1649, Our American revolution of 1776, The Russian revolution of 1917, and the Chinese revolution in 1949. There were and presently are many more. However, the ones who suffered the most, were/are the poor. I remember when I was growing up in New York, on the news, there was always a war between countries, civil wars, and conflicts between warring parties. Before the coming of Jesus, there were about 50 wars, and after his death, wars between nations , conflicts, and civil was have never stopped. It comes down to the survival of the human race between the Good and the Evil. When all is done, there will be suffering like never seen before, worst then then the first flood that our Lord put upon his first creation of human beings. Open your hearts and minds and prepare for the second coming, it might be closer than people think! Amen!
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