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Responses: 6
CW3 Michael Bodnar
Has anyone in the news media considered that the reason why we're seeing an uptick in new cases is because more people are getting tested? Has the MSM ever once mentioned that even though we have over 315 thousand confirmed cases, there have been almost 100 thousand people that have recovered from COVID-19? Lastly, if you look at the numbers on the John's Hopkins COVID-19 page, there have only been 13 thousand deaths world wide. If you do that math, that's roughly a 4% mortality rate. I'm pretty sure that if you look at the data associated with those deaths, a vast majority of them were elderly patients, people with pre-existing conditions, etc.
LTC Lee Bouchard
LTC Lee Bouchard
>1 y
When has the media ever fact checked itself or tell the whole story.
CW3 Michael Bodnar
CW3 Michael Bodnar
>1 y
LTC Lee Bouchard - very true.
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LTC Multifunctional Logistician
It is inevitable that medical providers will have to make these decisions. But this should not come as a shock to anyone. Read Dr.Ezekial Emanual’s complete lives system to understand the background.
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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
Makes me wonder how many unconfirmed cases there are.
Case in point: I don't know about you, but my wife and I had a crud in early February that makes me wonder if this virus hadn't already made the rounds earlier and just no one got tested for it back then.
I got tested for norovirus and flu, both negative. But it was no cold like I ever had.
SSG Robert Webster
SSG Robert Webster
>1 y
1SG (Join to see) Interesting point. My wife and I same thing. She was first and had worse symptoms than I did. She was bedridden for about 5 days while I took care of her, but not so bad as to necessitate a visit to the doctor's office so she was not tested for anything. The following week I was ill for just a couple of days and was just a little bit grumpier than usual. We did the usual cold/flu relief of drink plenty of liquids and rest and take analgesics as needed.
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