Posted on Sep 5, 2019
The Democrats Will Never Confiscate Your Guns. Instead, You'll Hand them Over. -
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
It could certainly happen. The more comfortable and soft we get over decades of no real adversity for the average citizen the more likely they are to get into a stupor over their safety and their need to protect it as well as a government that with a subdued population could turn us into a state controlled country.
The left is talking about "voluntary" buy backs now. Once that is exhausted, then the buy backs will be mandatory. They will, through legislation, make a weapon or group of weapons illegal. The courts will turn a blind eye surmising that if the people are electing representatives passing these laws, they must want them. This will happen even thought the 2nd amendment is still there in the bill of rights with no amendment to change it.
After the mandatory buy backs you will be a criminal for possessing the arms they make illegal and the dystopian warning from 1984 will be fulfilled.
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever". -Orwell.
The left is talking about "voluntary" buy backs now. Once that is exhausted, then the buy backs will be mandatory. They will, through legislation, make a weapon or group of weapons illegal. The courts will turn a blind eye surmising that if the people are electing representatives passing these laws, they must want them. This will happen even thought the 2nd amendment is still there in the bill of rights with no amendment to change it.
After the mandatory buy backs you will be a criminal for possessing the arms they make illegal and the dystopian warning from 1984 will be fulfilled.
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever". -Orwell.
Hope I never live to see the day. Call, write your Congressmen/Senators/local officials and join pro 2A groups
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