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Responses: 9
CPT Alexander Grant
It is kind of ironic.
If Romney had been elected, he would have implemented something similar to ObamaCare, but they would have called it RomneyCare and the GOP would be hailing that they are not "abandoning the forgotten" and also brag about the benefits to insurance companies. I'm surprised at how many people forget that folks were going bankrupt from medical bills and/or dying from not being able to buy medicine.
But since the ACA was a pathetic effort from that start that ended up being basically RomneyCare, the GOP now doesn't have any room to back away from it without causing damage to their constituents.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
8 y
Good point, most don't remember that ACA was pretty much patterned after the healthcare law passed in Massachusetts when Romney was governor. Does ACA have issues, sure but they can be fixed. Only reason GOP wants it repealed with no replacement is because it was passed under Obama. Suck it up and spend your efforts on fixing the problems and move on.
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
8 y
Let's not forget Dr. Grubber depended on the stupidity of the American people and Obama lied like a bear skin rug on the bedroom floor!
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
8 y
SSG Michael Hartsfield - They've had plans, the problem was there were several ideas and no consensus. Meanwhile the Dems blindly pushed ObamaCare and never took the time to actually push a good product. They essentially did what you're criticizing the GOP of not doing (rushing in half-cocked).
CPT Alexander Grant
CPT Alexander Grant
8 y
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin - That's not really what they did, though. They bowed to corporate donors and produced a garbage ACA on purpose. Actually, that IS probably what the GOP will do here
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MAJ James Woods
It's a reality check by some of the GOP Congressmen. The entire Congress could have spent the last 7 years with the "repair" approach in an effort of bipartisanship if both sides weren't been so boneheaded stubborn. The fact that a few GOP members are now stating that they'll present an option where states can elect to stay with the ACA or take a GOP plan still under development but guaranteed to be better only demonstrates they're not confident they have a plan that will be accepted by all the states.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
8 y
Even if the GOP came up with a consensus on their part, the Democrats wouldn't hear it and Obama would have never allowed anything to pass. They weren't even allowed to provide comments/suggestions before it was passed (despite their efforts).
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
8 y
What part of my "effort of bipartisanship" comment you didn't understand. Your comment is exactly the "boneheaded stubbornness" I've accused members of both parties in Congress of being. The kind of stubborn partisanship in Congress that rejected any bipartisan bill presented to either house by a bipartisan committee.
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Cpl Jeff N.
Don't believe everything you read on the internet, especially Yahoo.
CPT Alexander Grant
CPT Alexander Grant
8 y
SSG Michael Hartsfield I think he just didn't actually click the article; just answered quickly because RP gives bonus points for being first
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
8 y
SSG Michael Hartsfield - You know if it's not from FoxNews or the White House Press Secretary it's FAKE NEWS!
SSgt Ray Stone
SSgt Ray Stone
8 y
MAJ Bryan Zeski - I posted an article from FOX, and they still questioned it...lol
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
8 y
Actually gents, I listened to the actual words that have come out of Trump, Pence, Ryan and others the last few days. They are not changing course on the repeal and replace. You can choose to believe the press or the policy makers. The only challenge is the timeline.

As you know, Obamacare was about the only thing Obama did through the legislative process (shoved through without a single GOP vote) which means most will need to be undone and redone through the legislative process. That means a bill will be required which will have to be submitted, discussed, debated and voted on it. As you should also know, Congress doesn't move quickly.

Trump has been able to undo some with an EO or two but the heavy lifting will be legislative not EO based.
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