Posted on May 13, 2021
The NRA is in deep legal trouble, and its problems just got even worse
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 4
“ legal trouble” they stole millions of dollars in contributions for their own use. They are thieves who need to be in jail. I can’t feel sorry for anyone who sent them money
SrA John Monette
SSG Edward Tilton - if they can afford their current ceo, they can afford rudy, if he stays out of prison long enough
I suppose that the NRA's "deep legal troubles" are well-deserved, but I am saddened at the glee with which the news is met. The NRA has long opposed those who would disarm Americans. The situation puts me in mind of labor unions. They too served good and noble causes until ignoble men took control of the reins of power. The NRA and the unions seem to me to be microcosms of self-government which also has seen the ignoble rise to power, especially in this Administration. Hopefully, We the People will come to our senses in the 2022 mid-terms and clean house in Congress. However, I'm not holding my breath. If the NRA and the unions are any example, the worst elements will rise to even greater power in the US government
SSG Paul Headlee
America needs the NRA, in spite of the fact that most people don't belong and thereby show little interest. Its just one more thing that is part of American culture which helps keep the weirdos from ramming socialism down our throats. It is indeed unfortunate that LaPierre and company have misappropriated so much money to benefit themselves. They need to go because they do not act in the best interest of the organization. It would be nice if we could get at least some of that money back and use it to fulfill the mission of educating people in the safe and ethical use of firearms. This by itself would create appreciation for the Second Amendment. Obviously there are other legitimate uses for our money but NRA has strayed too far from having mastered the basics. Wayne and his friends have disgraced themselves and squandered enough of our funds to where the need for a change in leadership is indicated. He's smart. He's effective when he wants to be. This doesn't make him irreplaceable.
SrA John Monette
SSG Paul Headlee - we do not "need" the nra. they are out for their own gains and don't give a rat's hairy behind about normal folks
SSG Paul Headlee
SrA John Monette I believe that you are mistaken regarding need but I will agree with the rat's hairy behind part.
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