Posted on Sep 18, 2024
The Reasons Young Women Embrace the Left Do Not Reflect Well on These Women
Posted 6 mo ago
Responses: 4
Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars? Its about the emotional aspect in my opinion.
Bethina Lee
LMAO, I find as I have aged that a LOT of younger woman are influenced by social media, networking, and whatever their friends thought...those being their main influencers. Not all, but most women don't look at the pragmatics, logic, and delve down deep
Into researching and historical impacts of politicians as well as the parties they represent. Many believe in affirmative actions too; which not many look at the "$hit rolls downhill" factor and the long term effects of any political moves & thoughts. Basically they become "Sheepeople" and follow the majority and "Popular Opinion" by not looking deeper that whatever information is "Blasted" to them on all social & news media, also by "Influencers", and what info is presented to them by the news.
Into researching and historical impacts of politicians as well as the parties they represent. Many believe in affirmative actions too; which not many look at the "$hit rolls downhill" factor and the long term effects of any political moves & thoughts. Basically they become "Sheepeople" and follow the majority and "Popular Opinion" by not looking deeper that whatever information is "Blasted" to them on all social & news media, also by "Influencers", and what info is presented to them by the news.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
I think you mean "news" (in quotes), Bethina Lee . I think it's more a case of men are from Neptune and women are from Mercury, MSgt Dale Johnson . . . .
Bethina Lee
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. lmao...
Almost all the "News Entities" have added "Entertainment News" to their IRS filing tax brackets as well as legally. Fox News started this in the mid 90's or 2000's? Not 100% sure on that time, but due to almost all the news entities adding that "Entertainment" to their actual federal status, they don't have to report factual news and show all sides of the story. I was enrolled in business law in conjunction with Administrative management and advanced Accounting. It came up in a class one day in federal filing statuses in class
Almost all the "News Entities" have added "Entertainment News" to their IRS filing tax brackets as well as legally. Fox News started this in the mid 90's or 2000's? Not 100% sure on that time, but due to almost all the news entities adding that "Entertainment" to their actual federal status, they don't have to report factual news and show all sides of the story. I was enrolled in business law in conjunction with Administrative management and advanced Accounting. It came up in a class one day in federal filing statuses in class
No it does not. The government has become a replacement "daddy" in more than one sense of the word.
Interesting opinion. Me? I think it's because it's been the indoctrination pattern since the 1990's. Everything feminine is good, masculinity bad. Who are a large part of conservatives? Men. So naturally women are taught to go the other way.
Personally, I wouldn't date any metropolitan gal in the 20 to 35 year old range today at all. Even if I were the same age as them. I'd be searching the farms and ranches for a lady with common sense and the ability to care for herself.
Personally, I wouldn't date any metropolitan gal in the 20 to 35 year old range today at all. Even if I were the same age as them. I'd be searching the farms and ranches for a lady with common sense and the ability to care for herself.
Bethina Lee
Oh! You mean that entitlement mentality of "A man has to pay for everything", Co-Dependency issues, having to be in a relationship to be happy, greatly lacking common sense/pragmatic/logic, thinking their looks and sexuality can cover a MULTITUDE of character/moral/ethical wrongs & habits? lol
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