Posted on Mar 18, 2019
The Road to Unfreedom by Timothy Snyder review – chilling and unignorable
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 4
Everyone has an opinion. A point of view. And once upon a time we had an option. We could collect different points of view and from the aggregate, construct our own conclusions. I used to read three newspapers every day. I didn't bother with electronic media inasmuch as they merely road the coattails of print media. Sadly, that option disappeared when the progressive Left succeeded in dominating American campuses. It took them more than a half century, but they succeeded beyond anyone's wildest expectations. From there, they spread their ideology into the culture through news and entertainment. Thus, enemies of the United States need only tap into that network and spread their propaganda.
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Canada is under attack as well. Minority opinions are not respected. The leftist professors have tenure and student teachers who show other points of view get in trouble but they are getting smarter and recording their conversations. this is not so much about Putin but about the left and the activist faction of the LGBTQ community putting pressure on people for those radicals who want genderless pronouns. I had posted this subject before but because is this woman, who is a very liberal woman, stepped on someone's toes and she was going to be railroaded but she recorded the event secretly and it backfired on the school. Just like in climate science, we can't have debate on if man is at fault or not. You are a heretic if you say that is not man's fault. Today's schools are so Narrow Gauge that discussions of other points of view are not allowed. Case in point, the anti-fascists who are Fascist. I am not a fan of David Duke, and Coulter or some other person but they should have the right to speak. The safety off topic but it is related.
CPT Jack Durish SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth SSG Donald H "Don" Bates MSgt David Hoffman @chip
CPT Jack Durish SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth SSG Donald H "Don" Bates MSgt David Hoffman @chip
As I post this there are 5 response so far. 3 of them are direct attacks on the left.
We will never find common ground if we cannot get beyond that blind obsession. This is an article about how Russia manipulates the news and yet we see attacks on our own news services.
We have a very rocky future ahead if we keep on this path of hatred and bias.
We will never find common ground if we cannot get beyond that blind obsession. This is an article about how Russia manipulates the news and yet we see attacks on our own news services.
We have a very rocky future ahead if we keep on this path of hatred and bias.
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