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Responses: 5
LTC Orlando Illi
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Cpl Jeff N.
Those that have held the reins of power the last 15-20 years in Europe and here in the US do not want to admit their policies have made us less safe and this notion that attacks are inevitable and we should expect them is a key piece of evidence. Many young adults cannot remember a time we were not living with the possibility of a radical islamist terrorist attack. Those of us a little older can. This is a recent phenomenon brought on by lacks immigration polices, poor vetting and political correctness.

This is one of the reasons the establishment hates Trump so much. He is not invested in the status quo and can call out the failed policies and he is. We have career politicians that have been in Congress and lifers in our security apparatus and in places like the state department that have watched over this slide into the abyss of acceptance of US citizens being murdered by jihadists in their hometown mall, restaurant, workplace etc.

This is not hard to address but it gets harder the longer it goes on. For example when we let Mister and Mrs refugee in from Syria (or pick your place) and they have a child here, he is a citizen, dealing with his radicalization is far more difficult than dealing with a refugees radicalization. We can deport a refugee at any time you cannot do that to a citizen.

We, the people, are not comfortable with terror, the establishment is trying to make us so they can stay in power and they will fight anyone that calls out the truth about their incompetence.
Col Joseph Lenertz
Col Joseph Lenertz
>1 y
Yes, it's time for a real change.
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MSG Military Police
As a Californian, I look at it much like the way I look at earthquakes. Gonna happen so better to be prepared than not. Staying at a hotel? Know where the stair exits are or stay on 1st floor. At a mall? Again, know where the nearest exit is to you. In the event of the "BOOM" what are your priorities? etc. I've been doing that in the event of an earthquake (been in two so far) for years and so far, so good.
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