Responses: 2
I'm almost wondering if this is either a very old article or fake news I say that because I haven't seen a pump that you don't prepay at in probably 10 years you either insert a credit card debit card or walk in and prepay cash the days of just turning on the pump and pumping gas then pain have not been around in a long time at least in my part of the US
CMSgt (Join to see)
Fridley is a small town in MN. Perhaps they haven't caught up with the rest of America? You bring up a valid point, you would think the stations being robbed would catch on.
PO2 Robert M.
CMSgt (Join to see) Actually, a lot of stations around here are like that!! - They take your license plate down when you drive up....hence the thefts of plates!!!
PO2 Robert M.
CMSgt (Join to see) Because we are Minnesotan's - Minnesota nice.... Do you remember Mary Tyler Moore is ad nauseum...seriously!
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