Posted on Jan 8, 2023
Trial set for Army officer suing police over violent stop
Posted 2 y ago
Responses: 1
Regardless of skin color, religion, sex, everyone should be treated with the upmost respect.
Hope that this lawsuit forces change.
Hope that this lawsuit forces change.
MAJ Byron Oyler
There will not be any change here because while people are angry at the police, the behavior that needs to be changed in this country is to stop placing yourself in bad situations. No matter how much you feel it is your right to argue with law enforcement, if you want to be on your way with the smallest amount of inconvenience, get out of the vehicle, follow lawful commands, and if you are in the right, you will be on your way shortly. Even if the LT wins down the road, that evening was destroyed, you received a facefull of pepper spray, and now have behavioral health problems. His belligerence and the fact people defend his behavior will continue to make life for him and others uncomfortable. Your odds at encountering a bad cop are far less when doing the right thing and not creating police encounters.
CPT Enrique M.
MAJ Byron Oyler - my comment is generalized. The point being is that both parties need to exercise respect. And whomever the presiding judge is, should focus on that.
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