Posted on Aug 29, 2016
Truman orders Navy to seize control of petroleum refineries - Aug 29, 1945 -
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
What started in this era was the "Welfare State" and now 43% of the American public is on the dole.....I don't mean the entitlements like Soc/Sec and unemployment which you pay into every paycheck.
SGT Edward Wilcox
Corporations receive more in "welfare" than individual citizens. The "welfare state" that everyone complains about exists only in corporate circles.
Alan K.
SGT Edward Wilcox - Obamaphones, section 8 housing assistance, living expenses, Heat-light-power expenses....That is just off the top of my head before second cup....!
SGT Edward Wilcox
"Obama phones" are not funded by taxes, they are funded by an additional fee you pay to your phone company, and it started, in earnest, in 1996. Section 8 has been around for over 70 years, LIHEAP, for low incomes assistance with heat and lighting has been around since 1980, and there is no federal source, outside of TANF, for "living expenses", and it does not even begin to cover all those expenses.
The total cost of everything you listed, and many more government programs that fall under the concept of "Social Safety net" are but a fraction of the cost of welfare given to the corporations through tax credits, rebates, and over-inflated government contracts.
The total cost of everything you listed, and many more government programs that fall under the concept of "Social Safety net" are but a fraction of the cost of welfare given to the corporations through tax credits, rebates, and over-inflated government contracts.
Alan K.
SGT Edward Wilcox - Don't even get me going on lobbyists and the subsidies that all the big corps get from the Govt. Makes me want to puke....!
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