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Responses: 10
CPO Glenn Moss
Good question.

And what power should Congress exert over internet sites and forums, as well?

I listened to a lot of the coverage between Congress and Zuckerman a couple months ago, as a point in case, and I DISTINCTLY remember hearing one of our illustrious representatives tell Zuckerman point-blank "you will fix this or we will fix it for you".

If THAT doesn't raise alarm bells in people's hearts and minds over matters like these, I don't know what does...because the Legislative Branch is the most powerful branch of the government, and was acknowledged to be such by the Founding Fathers, for the plain fact that THEY MAKE THE LAWS.

As for Google over biased search results...of COURSE they're "biased". By definition, they MUST be so, because they discriminate by definition. That's how searching works, whether we understand this or not. The question, then, is whether or not they're deliberately politically biased.

Me? I'm not convinced that ANY organization, group of people, or even individual, is NOT going to be biased over such matters...especially a multibillion dollar organization.

And the statement "will be addressed" is no more threatening than "you will fix this or we will fix it for you".
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
6 y
CPO Glenn Moss I agree the statements are equally threatening... and equally troubling for free speech in this land of "Liberty."
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
6 y
CPO Glenn Moss To be fair, Congress was talking about foreign powers being able to have an easy channel to change public opinion. Trump is talking about minimizing showing news that makes him look bad.

There are some similarities between the two and one very dangerous difference. Trump's primary concern would appear to be using the power of government to force companies to do things that benefit his image personally.
CPO Glenn Moss
CPO Glenn Moss
6 y
SPC Kevin Ford - And the ramifications behind what Congress was "investigating" and what they threatened are dead serious.

And, quite frankly, Congress seems to be a collection of 535 kettles calling the pot black, here. What the heck has THIS country been doing for DECADES with respect to interfering with foreign elections and politics?

Either the First Amendment means something...or it does not. ESPECIALLY where it comes to things political.
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MSG Stan Hutchison
Trump is simply proving he is like a petulant child, striking out if he does not get his way or if someone disagrees with him.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
6 y
Petulant is a good word to describe him.
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Col Joseph Lenertz
Great question, MAJ Bryan Zeski ! I am against government increasing its own powers which limit our individual freedoms, AND I am against huge companies which have an effective monopoly on our sources of information. Is it time to break up the new "Ma Bell"s, the Google and Facebook behemoths that today can legally tell us what is important, what is acceptable thought, and what is not? Is it time to re-establish competition within the internet?
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
6 y
Col Joseph Lenertz - I've always liked using the underdog providers under the idea that competition is good. As long as there is not major difference in service or price then why not use Bing. Besides Bing has a rewards program. ;)
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
6 y
SPC Kevin Ford - I've tried to like Bing, I just never find what I'm looking for when I try it!
Susan Foster
Susan Foster
6 y
I don't think there's a monopoly at all. Facebook isn't supposed to be a source of information, it's supposed to be a social platform. That some people use it for their only "news" source says a lot right there. As far as media, there's plenty to choose from, and Google isn't the only search engine. I use Safari and Firefox and Chrome.
MSgt Nondestructive Inspection (NDI)
MSgt (Join to see)
6 y
MAJ Bryan Zeski - I fear both the overreaching government and the large company that tries to control public opinion. Both are equally dangerous.
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