Posted on Oct 22, 2017
Trump Tries A New Tactic To Attack Congresswoman Who Exposed His Lies
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 7
This is so Trumpian! If he wanted to do the right thing, and clear the decks on this, he could have gone to the funeral, apologized for anything he may have said that was taken the wrong way, and paid his respects to the deceased. But that would have taken class......of which he has none. Truth be told, I think he enjoys this sort of thing.....makes him feel big when he has an excuse to belittle someone else and call them names. Sad.
SSgt Gary Andrews
MSG.....those were contributing factors..... another big one was tax cuts at a time we were going to war......going to war, with no way to pay for it is not a recipe for sound economic health. As for the tripled in value during Obama's term, and many who don't afford Obama any credit for that, now stand ready to applaud Trump.....who has been in office 9 months and has no major policy accomplishments that would make a difference one way or the other. Sound fair to you? We didn't except unemployment stats under Obama, but now we applaud Trump for them.....sound fair to you?
SSgt Gary Andrews
The economy that Trump inherited was in much better shape than the one Obama inherited. Whatever the reason......thats just a fact. As for the deficit, it is exploding under Trump according to the latest figures. And before he ran for office, Trump was quoted as saying the econo.y always does better under Democrats. If you compare the economy passed on by the last.two Dems to the one passed on by verifies that notion.
SSgt Gary Andrews everything bad during Republican years was actually due to Democrats.....and everything good during Democratic years was actually due to Republicans......but I'm the one who is letting my political bias overrule common sense. Got it.....
I find this latest attempt by a member of Congress and the media to be disgusting beyond belief. To attempt to political hay using the death of a soldier is nothing but shameful and what kind of sicko goes around attempting to ambush the President making a condolence call regardless who is sitting in the chair.
She is another moronic hypocrite liberal who wanted her 15 minutes of shame.
MSgt (Join to see)
She also voted AGAINST Veteran bills. She has NO RESPECT FOR VETERANS. She is a moronic hypocrite liberal who should be kicked out of office.
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