Posted on Apr 26, 2017
US destroyer forced to alter course by Iranian vessel acting 'provocative'
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 2
Our enemies toy with us, not because we are weak, but rather because we act weak. The "gentle giant" attracts his share of bullies, possibly even more, because when the bully bullies a giant, lesser beings quake in fear when the bully turns his attention on them.
SN Keagan Miller
Act weak my ass! We have more operations going on in more countries than we ever have, bombing and drone strikes in record numbers. Nobody doubts our supremacy, our supremacy and bullying of other nations is the problem. We create more enemies with every person we kill.
CPT Jack Durish
I can think of just one war America started: The Mexican American War. Indeed, American has largely been isolationist throughout most of its history, a tradition planted by President Washington and well-nourished by most Administrations following his. The Brits, for example, chaffed at America's late arrival in WWI and WWII. We only engaged after attacked. Same with the War on Terror. The concept that "we create more enemies with every person we kill" was created by the Left to vilify its ideological opponents for the wars that the Left opposes.
SSG Warren Swan
CPT Jack Durish - isn't that a two edged sword? We send advisors to Nam. Said advisors are the precursor to the main force that is eventually sent to Nam against a smaller force propped up by Soviet and Chinese technology, support, and manpower. Where have we sent "Advisors", didn't that end up having us completely in the country? I can't think of one, but that's not to say you or anyone else can't. The war on whatever...use the"Cold War" as an example. We "beat" an already crumbling USSR into tearing down a wall, and bringing "freedom" to them. Did we really? If having the Hoff sing a song on a wall is freedom in tight leather, the USSR wasn't so bad. We unleashed a beast that in some ways is beating us at our own game. How many billionaires have we created since the "fall" of communism? How many Russians own substantial parts of American business? How much has the Chinese invested into America to the point we owe them more money than any other country? We went from owning damn near everything in America to asking other countries for a dollar we made already. My link is old, not the most reputable site, but it does mention we do have outside influences that can shape our policy. An advisor in a suit, is doing more harm than any advisor we've sent in a uniform. Maybe there is a lesson to be learned there?

Chart: Who Does the U.S. Gov’t Owe $17 Trillion To?
The U.S. government owes a …
CPT Jack Durish
SSG Warren Swan - Do I really have to explain Vietnam to you? Do I have to really explain the strategy of world domination by the communists? Do I really have to explain the honorable fight we fought there and won? Do I really have to explain the treachery of the Congress in snatching defeat from the jaws of the victory we won, thus condemning the Vietnamese to involuntary servitude to their communist masters? Do I really have to explain? You can read all about it in my blog under the category of Vietnam. I explain it in detail. How Ho Chi Minh, trained in Moscow, who usurped the nationalist movement that defeated the French and betrayed his own people. Here's the link. Enjoy...

All bloggers love getting comments on their postings. I'm no exception. It proves that we're not just whistling in the dark.
I agree that we give away to much military information, but I remain optimistic about what they don't know. Take today, we launch an ICBM that travels 4,000 miles at approx 135 miles per minute and was " on target".
SSG Warren Swan
Good point, but the whole MOAB deal that was more of a bust than a BOOM. All the BS that was circulated about that weapon and the damage it could do, just to see local ANA SF inside the very tunnels we claimed to destroy. I'm thinking the tunnel rats of Nam were more productive and an effective means of clearing than what we're doing now, and I don't like the use of tunnel rats. It's a waste of a troop, but it's a definite way to clear a restrictive area with tunneling. I read this on Occupy Demorats, and it's a fake profile, pushing out fake "facts". Even called them out on it, and tagged MANY SM's who also went in on them. This is how we get the wrong message our own people who won't check themselves. If it ever gets to be where being CLOSER to a bomb is better than being AWAY from it, let me know, sign me up.
SFC William H.
My brother would agree with you. He is one of the tunnel rats who came home; well, physically anyway..
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