Posted on Feb 28, 2019
USS Forrestal C-130 Hercules Carrier Landing Trials
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 4
I have heard of experiments of C130s landing an carrier decks ad it seems also without mishap. That is certainly one way of some level of resupply while at sea instead of another ship having to be used. That seems like an area well worth considering .
Capt Daniel Goodman
Yeah I'd heard of the C-2 someplace, still, the analogy with the Doolittle bombers, I think C-24s, I just couldn't get that out of my head, you know? What struck me as really interesting was why an AC-130 Spooky gunship couldn't be afdspted conceptually for carrier use, maybe a C-2 variant with folding wings or drone based perhaps, ya think? Just a thought, of course, you know? It could be a really powerful asset, I should think as a force !multiplier....
Capt Daniel Goodman
Or maybe adapt an Osprey for the same purpose, since it'd have VTOL and could be used off smaller USS Wasp sized platforms, as well as maybe smaller ship classes, possibly merchant, in a fashion similar to USCG HITRON for anti-piracy or maybe even anti drug smuggling use as well as a more powerful version of HITRON?
Capt Daniel Goodman
Tended to make me wonder if a Doolittle Raid sized bomber could've been built with the same landing goal in mind, you know? Obv WW2 technology, I don't know, though still one wonders if it might've occurred to the OSRD, the WW2 predecessor of DARPS few recall now, or the Navy research board of WW1 Thomas Edison was a member of, quite interestingly I'd read some time back....
Capt Daniel Goodman
I knew as I'd said the Doolittle B-24s were certainly the same size, I just hadn't seen a C-130 till now, a C-2 Greyhound as mentioned above I'd heard of as I'd also said above, an E-2C was also quite good size as well....
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