Posted on Oct 11, 2017
Utah officer fired for handcuffing nurse who defied him
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
SSG(P) (Join to see) agreed brother this guy sets a bad example and just brings all the stereotypes of cops out. You got so many cops out there trying to put forth their best foot foward and trying to reduce tensions in their neighborhoods and then you have someone like this who just ruins all of it.
Quite interesting. He deserved firing IMV, not for what he did but for the way he did it. I do note, in reference to previous threads on this topic, that NO charges were filed against him or the watch commander. The incident has had some positive benefits though ... woefully out of date police policies and Utah state laws have been updated.
MSgt Marshall Schiller
I don't feel that we've heard the end of this. I would almost bet that Ms. Wubbels files a civil suit against both LEO's and the police department.
LTC (Join to see)
MSgt Marshall Schiller - That may be ... and were I her, I'd sure consider it. Criminal charges are what I was referring to though. I should have been clearer.
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