Another veteran, turned down by his VA, bites the dust. Again, when are these people going to start doing the job they were hired to do, and take care of our vets. The article stated the Vet was in a waiting room asking for help. Evidently, they didn't realize he needed to be seen pronto. He needed to be in the Emergency Room. I helped a guy once who needed to be seen soon. He began losing it, and wanted someone NOW! I helped get him to the ER, before they called the VA cops on him. I told the clerk what happened in MH and he needed help right now. I left him there and don't know what happened after I left. I hope they took care of him. If the VA isn't helping someone in dire straits, I feel like we, as veterans, should at least try to help them out. I've been turned down, but at least I asked.