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Responses: 4
Cpl Jeff N.
I read this story yesterday. It is a head shaker. If you are this worthless and weak perhaps you should institutionalize yourself or find a way to leave the building. Americans used to be a tougher breed that could stand on their own two feet. We could cope/deal with adversity, dust ourselves off and move on. These days we just whine, piss an moan and generally fall to pieces when anything that bothers us gets in our line of site or sound.

I believe this is simply a political stunt by an anti-gun person who uses their military "experience" as a tool to push their agenda. If the mere sight of a weapon causes you to crumple in a ball I suggest you stay away from the police too, they carry them openly too.
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SSG Larry Asher
I don't like the card or the message. However, there are a few interesting points of discussion. One point, the veteran states that he supports the 2nd Amendment - let's acknowledge that. Yet, this card he is presenting will likely lead to his inability to "legally" own and purchase a firearm. Mental disability is a growing anti-gun platform, this guy is gowning around telling everyone he is not stable enough to possess a firearm. It could be used to further target others with PTSD as being unable to possess a firearm. The anti-gun activist do not need any help, I would hate to see veterans targeted, especially using their own words and actions against them. It is easy to say, if one person feels this way then many others must also. It is common for business evaluate feedback in the same way - not everyone is going to take the time to write a review of your business so you have to assume the few that do represent a large portion of your customer base and how they view your business. This card is basically a review of our brothers and sisters who suffer from PTSD - it is wrong.

Another point, I don't suffer from PTSD, yet I can say that any number of open carry scenarios may cause me concern. It is called situational awareness. If I am out having dinner with my family and an individual, or a group of individuals, walk in carrying a weapon(s) you can bet I am going to be working to evaluate the situation. Today, it is not typical to see those other than a recognizable law enforcement agent carrying weapons. My mindset is going to change based on a number of things, which we do not to discuss - let's just acknowledge that this is a new dynamic.

I am not coming out against open carry, in most states it is has been legal for a long time yet it has not been a common practice, if widely adopted, it will be a game changer. It will create a different state of awareness for civilians and law enforcement alike. Let's acknowledge that, to imply this, open carry, is business as normal and has no impact on our daily lives is ignorant. Those who carry a weapon, whether concealed or not, whether on a hunt or in a restaurant, are placed in a position of greater responsibility. When I shoot or hunt with others, and even operationally with those I served with, I expect others to handle their weapons responsibly. If you show me you are carrying a weapon, I am going to expect you to be responsible, until I can determine that I am going to remain at higher state of awareness. I hope others will do the same.
SSG Malcolm "Chris" Canada
SSG Malcolm "Chris" Canada
9 y
Good thoughts, good thoughts and well said. I see this as a media stunt to feed the whole "gun sense" nonsense. It's irritating when the media exploits a veteran just to feed political rhetoric. We are, and should be policing up our own-at least we are doing our best in our unit. Also, I think we should be aware of things like this.
SGT Brian Post
SGT Brian Post
>1 y
Open carry is legal but in urban areas it's most often a statement, political or small package syndrome, not self defense. Serious people who carry firearms for defense do so concealed as it should be a surprise for suspects. The whole snivel card and "triggered" thing is obvious agenda bullshit- if a person was that in need of services they'd never leave the house.
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CPL Thomas Artiaga
Okay here's my two cents. I've been deployed several times and I saw our men in uniform openly carrying everything, grenades, laws, at4s whatever. But I never saw Americans with this blank look or this look of hate. I saw Iraqi civilians didn't have a weapon on them, but I saw straight hate and anger in their faces. That said I wish that the United States would go 100% open carry anybody can carry a weapon everybody should carry a weapon it should be required! and then I guarantee you for the most part you'll see the ones that want to harm you they will have hate and anger in their faces, everybody else is going to go about their business and buy: Bob Evans ham steaks, eggs, Aunt Jemima syrup, beer bread and they're going to walk right by you like you aren't even there. Why because they know that you're armed and they know everybody else around them is armed too. People are gamblers killers, criminals are f****** gamblers. And they do not like to gamble with their own lives. They will gamble that you are a victim that you are unarmed that they can shoot you and 20 others and get away with it or even more than that. But if they believe that they can be killed they're not going to f****** fry it they are gamblers but they always want to win. I say it should be mandatory that every person 18 and over be armed and then I guarantee you they'll be far less people talking s*** in bars they'll be far less people being disrespectful to Authority you'll have far less people in prison. People will respect each other and that is all we really need the United States.
SSG Malcolm "Chris" Canada
SSG Malcolm "Chris" Canada
7 y
I posted this two years ago. Honestly, I had forgotten about it. What I haven't forgotten about is war, and you Sir are most certainly correct. If some of the millennials actually saw real war, I bet they would think twice about shooting up schools and less random acts of terror would occur. You are certainly correct about the hate in Haji's face--I'll never forget it. But after years of counselling I've come to realize that we were the watchdogs and they, (the civilians), we're the sheep. I'm working on my second degree now. I hope one day, there will be no need for humans to worry about war, at least with each other however; right now, it's still necessary because we haven't evolved to that point. So yes, something must be done.

That post was about PTSD and a milingering P.o.S. who wanted media attention. I'm not too sure if folks like that should carry a firearm. I mean, can you see that asshole having to actually use it? SMH...
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