Edited 4 y ago
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 3
You do realize that last sentence is exactly how republicans view democrats, maybe not everyone who voted or identifies as a democrat, but you get the point.
SSG Michael Hartsfield
While that is sadly true, the point of that video was that it wasn't Democrats showing their 4th point of contact to the world on January 6th. Did you even watch the video?
SFC (Join to see)
I did. We are so divided it doesn’t matter what is said. Both sides are saying it about each other and they’d both be correct. No, the words aren’t the same but the sentiment and the vitriol is. SSG Michael Hartsfield
SSG Michael Hartsfield
SFC (Join to see) Again, that is true. However one of the ways we can start bridging that gap is by telling the truth. While the sentiment may be the same but worded differently, only one group of people chose to listen to a person who was angry that he lost an election and chose to assault our nation’s Capitol because of it.
Maj John Bell
SSG Michael Hartsfield - It wasn't Republicans showing their 4th point of contact in New York City, Minneapolis, Chicago, Rochester, Kenosha, Portland, Philadelphia, Seattle, Atlanta, Bakersfield, Columbus, Dallas/Ft Worth, Des Moines, Denver, Detroit, D.C., Denver, Louisville, Memphis, Phoenix, Sacramento, and San Jose.
Death Toll from 2020 riots - 30+
Hospitalizations from 2020 riots -1220+
Injuries requiring medical attention - 2770+
as of Aug 29, 2020
Source: PBS News Hour, September 6, 2020
Property Damage estimate - $3Billion +
as of September 17, 2020
Source: International Association of Insurance Professionals
What were the inciteful words said by President Trump on January 6th, or any other day that encouraged storming the Capitol. All I'm asking you for is the truth.
"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."
Here is a transcript of his comments at the stop the steal protest.
Death Toll from 2020 riots - 30+
Hospitalizations from 2020 riots -1220+
Injuries requiring medical attention - 2770+
as of Aug 29, 2020
Source: PBS News Hour, September 6, 2020
Property Damage estimate - $3Billion +
as of September 17, 2020
Source: International Association of Insurance Professionals
What were the inciteful words said by President Trump on January 6th, or any other day that encouraged storming the Capitol. All I'm asking you for is the truth.
"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."
Here is a transcript of his comments at the stop the steal protest.

Trump’s Jan. 6 full speech: ‘We will never concede when theft is involved’
We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesnt happen.
How do you raise the dead? As a disinterested liberal (not the kind you're likely thinking of, but one who loves liberty), I see the two major choices as Democrat and Democrat-lite. The Democrat-lite is not only not necessary, but also quite irrelevant. President Trump was, is, and never will be a either, either.
SSG Michael Hartsfield
CPT Jack Durish - Not at all. I'm looking at this from the perspective of the rich, American aristocracy. Those are the people that will never vote Democrat but can't abide themselves supporting the current Republican party. They also know that they will have to slow walk every attempt to gain the presidency again due to the indelible stain on the party left by Donald Trump. Mark my words. Many more moderate conservatives will being to bubble up to the surface in order to counter Trumpublicans.
Maj John Bell
SSG Michael Hartsfield - You seriously don't think there will be a viable Republican Presidential candidate for about 90 years? The difference in the popular vote was less than 4%. About 47% of the voters preferred a President Trump despite his thoroughly repugnant personality to President-elect Biden's vision of America.
Most lopsided victories in American Presidential History by popular vote margin
1 Warren Harding - R defeats James Cox - D by 26.17% 1920
2 Calvin Coolidge - R defeats John Davis - D by 25.22% 1924
3 Franklin Roosevelt - D defeats Alf Landon - R by 24.26% 1936
4 Richard Nixon - R defeats George McGovern -D by 23.15% 1972
5 Lyndon Johnson - D defeats Barry Goldwater - R by 22.58% 1964
4% is nothing.
The GOP Holds 27 Governors seats
The DNC holds 23 Governor seats
That's a net gain of 1 for the GOP
The GOP holds both state legislative houses in the state in 30 states, that's a net gain of 1
The DNC holds both state legislative houses in the state in 19 states, that's a net loss of 1
In 22 States The GOP holds both the Governorship and BOTH legislative bodies
that's a net gain of 2
Despite predictions that the DNC would pickup 5-15 swat in the House, they lost 7.
Can the Republican Party get some anesthetic while you perform that autopsy?
In every non-Presidential election year but two of American Politics since WWII the party in opposition to the sitting President has lost seats. President-elect Biden should make the best of these two years and pray that every Democrat in either house toe the Party line, or his agenda goes nowhere.
Most lopsided victories in American Presidential History by popular vote margin
1 Warren Harding - R defeats James Cox - D by 26.17% 1920
2 Calvin Coolidge - R defeats John Davis - D by 25.22% 1924
3 Franklin Roosevelt - D defeats Alf Landon - R by 24.26% 1936
4 Richard Nixon - R defeats George McGovern -D by 23.15% 1972
5 Lyndon Johnson - D defeats Barry Goldwater - R by 22.58% 1964
4% is nothing.
The GOP Holds 27 Governors seats
The DNC holds 23 Governor seats
That's a net gain of 1 for the GOP
The GOP holds both state legislative houses in the state in 30 states, that's a net gain of 1
The DNC holds both state legislative houses in the state in 19 states, that's a net loss of 1
In 22 States The GOP holds both the Governorship and BOTH legislative bodies
that's a net gain of 2
Despite predictions that the DNC would pickup 5-15 swat in the House, they lost 7.
Can the Republican Party get some anesthetic while you perform that autopsy?
In every non-Presidential election year but two of American Politics since WWII the party in opposition to the sitting President has lost seats. President-elect Biden should make the best of these two years and pray that every Democrat in either house toe the Party line, or his agenda goes nowhere.
SSG Michael Hartsfield
Maj John Bell - Considering that none of those people had ever encountered anyone like Donald Trump AND every Democrat will use Trump's name as the same cudgel Republicans used Obama's as, that assessment is rather generous. Additionally, this will not be like Obama's term when he held a majority House and Senate, as the so called "Blue Dog Democrats" are long since gone and more progressive Democrats willing to actually work with the President are in office.
As far as getting some anesthesia, the Republican party has been self-anesthetizing themselves with bricks to the face as the majority of them contorted themselves into whatever shape Donald wanted them to be in. They sacrificed everything they said the Republican party stood for just to achieve temporary political gains that are already planning to be erased in the Biden administration. Moreover, the Republican party will wear the name "Trump" as a political scarlet letter and will further fracture within their ranks at all levels as more moderate Republicans seeking to salvage the remnants of what the party used to be are pitted against more extreme Republicans seeking to use the nostalgia and tried and true model of Trump as a springboard for their political careers.
As far as getting some anesthesia, the Republican party has been self-anesthetizing themselves with bricks to the face as the majority of them contorted themselves into whatever shape Donald wanted them to be in. They sacrificed everything they said the Republican party stood for just to achieve temporary political gains that are already planning to be erased in the Biden administration. Moreover, the Republican party will wear the name "Trump" as a political scarlet letter and will further fracture within their ranks at all levels as more moderate Republicans seeking to salvage the remnants of what the party used to be are pitted against more extreme Republicans seeking to use the nostalgia and tried and true model of Trump as a springboard for their political careers.
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