Responses: 3
AATW! And —> great video w/soundtrack!
This Psychedelic 1970s Airborne Recruitment Video Is Vintage Gold
It’s no surprise that the same decade that gave us disco, bell bottoms, the Watergate scandal, and Fat Albert also gave us what is, hands down, the
I like the video, but I'm not the jumping kind. Sorry to say I didn't get my jump wings
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
MAJ Bob Miyagishima I'm a Retired Navy Spook, I Never Understood the Logic in Jumping Out of Perfectly Good Working Airplane. Thankfully Many Airborne Types think I'm Wonderful! Go Figure!
MAJ Bob Miyagishima
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel that's why when I was branched Infantry (and I was able to change it) I knew I wouldn't make a good infantry officer because I wasn't gung ho enoug to be airborne, ranger, or special forces or all three.
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