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Responses: 3
MAJ James Woods
One word, "FDR". FDR set the standard for other presidencies to be arbitrarily judged on the first 100 days of an administration. Arbitrarily should be heavily scrutinized since the state of the country is different every 4 years. Bottomline, I think it shouldn't be what a President does, it should be a reflection of the initial policies, ideologue, and plans he lays out to paint the direction of the 4 years. After all, nothing the President does in their first 100 days has immediate long term impact on GDP, unemployment, job growth, and economy in general.
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Lt Col Jim Coe
100 days of Hillary Clinton NOT being President. Works for me!
PO3 Steven Sherrill
PO3 Steven Sherrill
8 y
Lt Col Jim Coe First sign that a person is not qualified for POTUS is that they have a deep seated desire to have the job.
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COL Jean (John) F. B.
I'm celebrating Hillary Clinton's first 100 days not in office.
PO1 Henry Jackson
PO1 Henry Jackson
8 y
Still, what have your president done? NOTHING!!!!
COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
8 y
PO1 Henry Jackson - He has done more good for our country in his first 100 days than Hussein Obana did in 8 years. He has started putting out country back on a track to economic recovery. He appointed a Supreme Court Justice who will get the Court back to enforcing the Constitution and enforcing laws, instead of legislating from the bench. He is moving our country to energy independence by approval of the pipelines. He has repealed destructive socialist policies of the Obama Administration. He has repealed regulations that strangled businesses. He has given education back to the states and parents and repealed the mandated common core BS. He has put America back in its rightful place as a world leader, instead of the limp-waisted laughing stock it was under Obama. He has out our adversaries and potential adversaries on notice that we will no longer enable them and will take whatever action is necessary to protect our country, our allies, and our interests. I could go on and on, but you don't really care and will dispute anything I say or that of anybody who actually supports Trump and the truth. Suffice it to say that the biggest thing he did that is good for our country is to replace Obama, undo much of the BS he enacted, and kept lying, corrupt, Hillary Clinton from becoming President.
PO1 Henry Jackson
PO1 Henry Jackson
8 y
All that writing and he hasn't passed any legislation yet! So the only thing he will get done is his cabinet going to jail.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
8 y
PO1 Henry Jackson - Actually, President Trump signed 28 pieces of legislation in his first 100 days, as compared to "Resident" Obama's 11 in his first 100 days. I think the jury is still out on which Administration will have the most of its personnel prosecuted.... Obama's were protected by a corrupt Attorney General (actually two, Holder and Lynch) and DOJ. Trump's AG will actually fulfill his oath of office and enforce the law. Obama, himself, could very well be indicted...Stand by...
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