Posted on Feb 14, 2016
Why Donald Trump's vicious attack on George W. Bush was so brutally effective — and brilliant
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 5
It's so easy to blame Bush for 9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan...etc., when people are too lazy to look at the history and the processes that went into those decisions and actions.
It's easy for candidates running to to the same, but it's more insidious when they do it.
To blame Bush for 9/11 is to give the Clinton administration a pass on their lapses of action against terrorism. To blame Bush for the Iraq War is to give a pass to the 77 Senators (29 of them Democrats) that voted in favor of giving Bush the authorization (HJR 114, Oct 2002) to use force in Iraq.
The planning for 9/11 took years, the terrorists entered the US and traveled in and out of the US during the Clinton Administration. The policies, specifically, the "Wall of Separation" that did not allow the NSA, FBI and CIA to share and exchange intelligence on terrorist/terrorism acts was much more at fault for 9/11 than anything the Bush Admin didn't do. Clinton's fear of public opinion prevented the elimination of bin Laden years before 9/11 happened.
The decision of Clinton to calls terror acts as a "Criminal Act" instead of and "Act of War" has hamstrung responses to terrorist acts today.
Am I giving Bush a pass, esp. on Iraq...NO! There were plenty of mistakes made and as President he bears the responsibility of those actions, but there is plenty of blame to go around.
It's easy for candidates running to to the same, but it's more insidious when they do it.
To blame Bush for 9/11 is to give the Clinton administration a pass on their lapses of action against terrorism. To blame Bush for the Iraq War is to give a pass to the 77 Senators (29 of them Democrats) that voted in favor of giving Bush the authorization (HJR 114, Oct 2002) to use force in Iraq.
The planning for 9/11 took years, the terrorists entered the US and traveled in and out of the US during the Clinton Administration. The policies, specifically, the "Wall of Separation" that did not allow the NSA, FBI and CIA to share and exchange intelligence on terrorist/terrorism acts was much more at fault for 9/11 than anything the Bush Admin didn't do. Clinton's fear of public opinion prevented the elimination of bin Laden years before 9/11 happened.
The decision of Clinton to calls terror acts as a "Criminal Act" instead of and "Act of War" has hamstrung responses to terrorist acts today.
Am I giving Bush a pass, esp. on Iraq...NO! There were plenty of mistakes made and as President he bears the responsibility of those actions, but there is plenty of blame to go around.
Capt Lance Gallardo
Yes Clinton, Bill and Hillary both share some of the blame for Bin Laden not getting bombed by Bill, and Hillary and the other 28 Democratic Senators voting for that war. I also blame Obama for the current Mess in Iraq and Syria for putting a campaign pledge before doing the right thing in Iraq and keeping a sizable force there for stabilization. He obviously learned from that, because he has held off removing all troops from Afghanistan because I am sure he does not want to see what happened in Iraq happen in Afghanistan. All great points Chief Coluccio, but ultimately it was President GW Bush's responsibility and decision as POTUS to take us to war, and have his administration try to sell it to the American People with the numerous appearances of the Neocons in front of Congressional hearings and panels. Donald T was over the top (as usual) in trying to lay the blame for 9/11 on GWB, and I think it was a response to Jeb trying to puff up his brother's record as President.
LTC (Join to see)
I can imagine what will be said about the last 8 years and the mistakes made and how true it will ring when we discuss this on rallypoint in 2020 when the military is planned to be reformed to the endstate that General Odierno warned us about.
But I give Trump credit last night for calling out Bush for his total disaster of the Iraq war. Trump was booed pretty well when he sarcastically (no one does sarcasm like Trump, he is like a thirteen year old Pubescent Eighth Grader on steroids, with a bad comb over, who looks like an overgrown Evil Orange Faced Oompa Loompa) replied to Jeb Bush saying his brother "kept us safe" . . . Uh, what about 9/11? I loath Trump, but I loath George W Bush more. Trump on his worst, most stupid and vulgar day, is smarter than GWB ever was on his best day as President. The Republicans have been running away from taking responsibility for the Iraq War. Only Trump has the Chutzpah (he has no end of that huh?) to call out Jeb Bush and George Bush Loudly in a Very Public Forum like the Republican Debate last night for the disaster that GWB's presidency was for this country (and still is since we are still stuck in Iraq and now Syria, all due to GWBush). If the Republicans do not get the White House in 2016, it will in large part be because the American People have not forgotten how the last Republican President got us into the worst foreign policy disaster since Vietnam, A Preemptive War by Mistake, that the Republicans have never owned up to (AKA Owned it, Embraced their disaster, took Responsibility for it), and shunned GWBush and the Neocons-Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Connie Rice, Rumsfeld as the Lepers they all should be (sorry for that reference Lepers). I marched against the Iraq Anti-War Rally in the rain in March 2003 as an Honorably Discharged Marine Corps Captain and veteran, in Downtown LA a month before Bush launched the Invasion. This is why I am supporting Bernie (for now). I cannot forgive or forget that Hillary voted for that War Authorization, when the entire Progressive Wing of the Democrats were opposed to the War. Bernie voted against the war as a US Senator. Hillary had to get only one vote right as the US Senator from New York and she blew it. I am a registered Independent Voter, who has not voted to send a Democrat to Sacramento or Washington DC for the last fourteen years or so, except for Pres. Obama and I regret those votes. On the Republican side I like Gov. Kasich. He seems like the only adult on stage, beside Dr. Carson, who does not seemed equipped to be POTUS.
LTC (Join to see)
TSgt Kenneth Ellis - once he starts taking CGSOC or his Captain's Career Course then he won't have that much time! LOL.
I jumped up and screamed "Go Trump"! When he told Jeb the screw up of his brother! I supported Trump for the whole debate. Then I went back to reality.
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