Worldwide Bounty Ordered For War Criminals We All Know (Video)
Posted on July 31, 2021 by State of the Nation
Submitted by JY
7/30/2021 — Worldwide Bounty Ordered For War Criminals We All Know. — our friends at TheAllThatIs — Derek Knauss Who Wants To Be Our Hero? ust hours ago, Commander & Chief of our World, Postmaster General :Russell-Jay:Gould. Released a command for the capture of many of the current and former Presidents, Prime Ministers and leaders of governments worldwide. The Chief has stated, Claim of the Life holders authorization with correct sentence structure parse syntax grammar bounty´s to lawfully apprehend these criminals. The video announcement made today Wednesday 21st July 2021, is the Chief´s best performance to date, delivering his message to the people. Clear and concise, :Russell-Jay: Gould presents the facts to the people, many of whom many have never heard of this modern day David and the extraordinary journey this man has made to secure correctness in a world of fiction and fraud, in the face of the Goliath that is the deep state and their minions.. The Chief faced months of impisonment and torture to give up the claim of the American 1 to 1.19 title flag, that he captured in 1999 at the end of the 70 year bankrupcy. The full story can be heard on the Last-Flag-Standing documentary or on the War Castles youtube channel.