Posted on May 7, 2024
SGT Kevin Hughes
Like many old people, I joke about my memory. The grandkids think my not knowing where my glasses are...while they sit on top of my hilarious. And I laugh along with them. Finding the right word, or remembering what day it is, those little nibbles at the corner of your mind are tolerable. Until they aren't.
I got a short email from a friend today. It said:
Do you still email? I need an anchor."

It turns out his wife of forty three years, who just turned 75 got a form of Dementia I had never heard of: Rapid Progressive Dementia- or RPD. I just talked with her ten days ago...and now she is in the last stages of Dementia.

Her sister came over to help out. He swore off of computers, smartphones, social media and email more than a decade ago. He became a modern hermit. Our phone calls were his contact with the world. Now, suddenly, he has to learn how to do all those things.
One of the things the Sister did right away, was set up his own email account. Which she forgot was to tell us. So everyone trying to support him, went to his Wife's email...the one he can't open.
So now that glitch has been fixed. But he has to learn in a hurry how to do all the online stuff, bills, banking etc... Like being thrown into the deep end of Modern life...without warning.

It was a wake up call for us. As I too, have no Social media other than RP, and I only started that up about a week or so ago. My wife did all the bills. But since my friend had this tragedy, I have started to keep track of stuff..again.

RPD can be caused by urinary track infections, or aspirational pneumonia, or from unknown causes. If the first two are the culprits, quick treatment can delay the onset and cure the symptoms for a bit. Sadly her's wasn't caused by either of those. So in just a matter of days, her cognitive decline was the same as someone who fought for years.

Keep walking, keep involved, keep learning, those are the steps we all can take, but even then...sometimes...well, there is nothing you can do.
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Responses: 2
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
Edited 26 d ago
WHEW ~~ Glad You Posted This One, Sargent Hughs,
I, Like Many Others, Have Had These Or Similar Problems.
And By No-More Than Chance, I Mentioned It To My Primary
At South-West Medical; And She Did A Small Test; The Results Indicated:
"I DO Have Some Memory Loss But No More Than Usual", For An Old SOB Of My Age,
I'll Be 80 Next Month, 06/2024~ And It'll Be Reexamined, Every 6 Months....
IF I'm Still Lucky Enough To Still Be Above The Ground...
~ Now For Some If My Droll Sense Of Humor, I'm Gonna Add Sumthin'~~ Here It Goes~ READY?
But It Really Pisses Me Off, When I Wake-Up And Discover ~"I'm Dead Again" ~~ And BTW: It's Pretty Tough, When I Have To Constantly Live With That Thought All Of My Life.
SGT Kevin Hughes
SGT Kevin Hughes
26 d
So glad you got seen by a doctor. It happens so gradually that it’s hard to tell. But until you told me your age, I would’ve thought you were somewhere around 60. You go guy.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
25 d
SGT Kevin Hughes -
I Haven't Been Near 60 For YEARS,
And The Last Time I Saw Her, She Was Running
For The Door While Screaming "Don't You EVER Do THAT Again"
And Depending Upon Whom You Ask, And Even The Weather
Conditions, And The Time Of Day, "I Can't Be Trusted Near The
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LTC David Brown
Edited 25 d ago
Sad story.
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