Posted on Aug 18, 2020
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Just wanting to see what other military members, whether active or veteran, think about the players kneeling
Posted in these groups: Star spangled banner National Anthem
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Responses: 16
SFC Intelligence Analyst
They're utilizing their First Amendment right - which we took an oath to support and defend. I really don't give a crap because my oath is not to a flag and not to a song. They are not disrespecting anyone who is serving or has served when they do this. It's peaceful protesting. They do it at that time because it's a high profile moment.

I think a lot of the outrage is faux outrage honestly.
SFC Intelligence Analyst
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>1 y
PO3 Dale Olson - This post is like 2 years old first off...

Secondly no that "flag and song" don't represent the same thing for everyone.

Ok tell me what the US is "about." Also not surprised you only mentioned "forefathers and brothers in arms" that fought...ignoring the fact women have fought and died for this country.
PO3 Dale Olson
PO3 Dale Olson
>1 y
Maybe you should leave the military or at least get an attitude adjustment. I am sure I would not like to have you as my First Sgt as I am sure we would not do well together.

As for the term "brothers" to me, that means anyone that is serving or as served including male or female. Well, while we are at it lots of toss in the K9 corps.
SFC Intelligence Analyst
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>1 y
PO3 Dale Olson - I have 18 months left to retire and then I'll go. YOU don't get to tell me what to do though. I don't need an "attitude adjustment." You need to put down the hooah Koolaid or whatever the fuck the Navy drinks.

I'm not a 1SG lol. What did I post that would make you think I'm a 1SG? I'm not. I don't intend to be - again 18 months left.

What does "we are it lots of toss in the K9 corps?" Did you have a stroke typing that?

I love how that's your response though. Lol. And you didn't even answer what I asked but I don't need you to. Stop reviving years old threads. It's weird.
CN Dennis Stender
CN Dennis Stender
7 mo
I totally agree, this outrage by Service members and Veterans stirred up by a delusional Draft dodging traitor is truly disheartening the lives lost in d
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SSgt Investigative Analyst
Edited 4 y ago
They have every right to kneel for the national anthem because we live in a constitutionally protected republic that secures their right to do so. I don't agree with it, but I absolutely support their right to do it. If I didn't, everything we did and everything we said while in our country's service counted for nothing.
SFC Intelligence Analyst
SFC (Join to see)
4 y
Maj John Bell - Well the NFL reversed their opinion on the kneeling and the NBA lets them. So suck it up buttercup.
Sgt James S.
Sgt James S.
4 y
SFC (Join to see) - They don't have to suck it up, though. They have the right to call it stupid and boycott the team/league if they want to. The NFL and NBA caving to idiocy out of a misguided attempt to placate the idiots doesn't change the fact that it's still idiocy.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
4 y
SFC (Join to see) - I've kept my side of the conversation polite and respectful, both toward you and the players who protest, please extend me the same courtesy.

I understand that the NFL reversed its decision. I don't have a problem with that. It is their choice to make. It most certainly is not a place for government to intervene No matter what decision they made, they were going to make someone unhappy. That is why my initial comment says:

"The owner's have to make a business decision, what will hurt them worse; benching people or allowing political activity while representing the franchise." Just as they have a right to make a choice, so do I. When I want to watch a sporting event, I usually go to a high school game.

I made my decision about professional sports a long time ago, well before this controversy raised its head. I haven't watched an NFL game since the Vikings lost to the Raiders in the 1977 Super Bowl. Love Baseball and Basketball, to play, not to watch. When Traverse City had a Tier II Junior A ice hockey team I went regularly. Then the franchise was sold to New Jersey.

I'm not in favor of celebrities, particularly affluent celebrities telling me how to be a better person, or what my social views SHOULD be. I don't like it even when I agree with them.
SGT Lou Meza
SGT Lou Meza
4 y
Thank you SSgt. Tony Lamb for saying it like you did . That’s exactly why we put on the uniform. To protect and defend their right of freedom of expression .
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MSG Intermediate Care Technician
I don't like it. I don't agree with it. But it's their right.
Sgt James S.
Sgt James S.
4 y
SFC (Join to see) - since customs and courtesies protocol requires standing and rendering a salute during the anthem, it's pretty laughable for any veteran to attempt to argue that kneeling is not a sign of disrespect. Whether you call it a protest or not, it's still disrespect and it's something that you can be punished for if on active duty. Go ahead and pull that stunt in formation and see what happens to you.
SFC Intelligence Analyst
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>1 y
Sgt James S. - Customs and courtesies protocol only applies to people on active duty. Lol. Not civilians. Not even veterans.
Why would I do that in formation? But you know what I might fucking do it when I fact I might burn a flag, video it and put it on TikTok! Ooh even better maybe I'll burn one of my uniforms after I retire too. Just to see people like you, your heads explode lol.
SFC Intelligence Analyst
SFC (Join to see)
10 mo
Sgt James S. - This post is like 3 years sure why you're dredging it up. What is that supposed to be proving? I said the customs and courtesies AR only applies to people on active duty. So I'm not sure why you posted what looks like the Flag Code that 99.9% of people don't follow and can't be legally applied anyway.
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