Posted on Jul 16, 2014
GySgt (Other / Not listed)
Not to piss more of you off about the "Should a 2LT salute a 1LT?" thread moving to the top of the most recent discussions every 5 seconds but I haven't thought about the Warrant Officers on this subject.

So I have a 2ndLt on deck in my unit now and I asked him and our 1stLt about them saluting each other and they explained that also Warrant Officers and Chief Warrant Officers in addition to the Lieutenants never salute each other and it's widely accepted in the Marine Corps under the "one bar rule."

I'm just seeking your thoughts on this.
Edited 10 y ago
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Responses: 570
CW5 Michael Scheller
Hold on! What we are truly discussing is a professional exchange or greeting. I, a Warrant Officer, greet many professionals each day. Some are required by regulation to INITIATE the exchange (salute) with me while with others I must be the initiator. I do not simply salute a Lieutenant; he or she in return salutes me. I salute and greet enlisted and noncommissioned officers daily and am proud to do so.

Too many Soldiers, including some of my brethren Warrant Officers, look upon this as a burden instead of a friendly exchange that it truly is. This is similar to saying "good morning ma'am" to a lady I encounter at the grocery store. Initiating that greeting did not make me subordinate to her, however it did enhance my sense of pride in being a gentleman. I take similar pride in being a military professional and thus gladly initiate and return the salute when appropriate.
MAJ Rob Kiser
MAJ Rob Kiser
>1 y
CPO Jack De Merit - "REQUIRED TO SALUTE ANYONE SUPERIOR TO YOURSELF." So, in the Navy, the various classes of petty officer salute each other? I think your condescending yet incorrect answers prove the value of your opinion. (Btw... many stupid people think they're smart for the same lack of brains.)

EDIT: I'm sorry. After checking your profile and some of your posts, I better understand your condition. Hope you get the help you need.
SSG Technical Engineer
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
See this is fuckin awesome. I was hoping a CW5 of all people would get into this.
SSG Technical Engineer
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
CW5 Michael Scheller Chief this is a great anecdote and answer. Thanks brother.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
>1 y
MAJ Rob Kiser - ... ... From My Experience As A Executive For FMC And A Business OWNER, One Should Never Confuse "Having A College Degree" With "Being Educated" As Doing So Is Cause For Being Made Aware Of The Term " Educated Idiot", And Our World Already Has FAR Too Many.....
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CW5 Sam R. Baker
Edited >1 y ago
It is an ABSOLUTE YES on all accounts, yes warrant officers are commissioned, but the rank structure still places me below a LT (who usually for some reason calls me "sir") and above the CSM. Some folks try to place field grade on warrants, no such animal, but then the new OER places us there on the OER. This here Army is a confusing beast at times, but all warrants will salute a LT and if not, beware if I am around. SMOKED is what you will be!

caveat....when my daughter graduates USNA in 2016 she will out rank me after 30 years of service on her first day!

**UPDATE** We are now covered in the Army Regulations as Field Grade for CW3/4 and Senior Field Grade for CW5 and we ALL still salute the 2LT!.
SSgt Michael Bowen
SSgt Michael Bowen
3 y
CW3 (Join to see) - 4 Years for $20 bucks a month , If you lived to be 100 that could be a down payment on a new car as long as it wasn't to expensive . LOL But then with inflation what it is , Probably not even that . Good Call .LOL
SSgt Michael Bowen
SSgt Michael Bowen
3 y
CW3 (Join to see) - Technical skills and experience with command authority is what they wanted so it was to fill a gap between enlisted and commissioned officer and that is what they wanted . That it's only for certain jobs is irrelevant .
PO2 Gary Riedl
PO2 Gary Riedl
3 y
You mentioned something interesting. The higher rank gets the salute, but the older person gets the sir(or ma'am). That shows respect both ways.
SFC Kevin Childers
SFC Kevin Childers
1 y
Take the 'Sir' as respect given for your knowledge and experience.
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CW5 Command Chief Warrant Officer
I saluted a 2LT on Thursday and he did not correct me. Case closed.
Sgt Den OBrien
Sgt Den OBrien
>1 y
Sgt Ed Allen - Sounds like he was forever banished to the Sphincter Platoon.
SSgt Michael Bowen
SSgt Michael Bowen
>1 y
I just wanted to say i spent 30+ years in the military i have seen and met 4 stars and below but only got a glimpse of what i think may have been a CW5 one time . You would have more of a chance to find hens teeth then a CW5 . LOL I congratulate you i believe that rank to be one of the rarest and hardest to get in the military . But then i spent most of my time in the field and mud where i was most at home .LOL
SSgt Michael Bowen
SSgt Michael Bowen
>1 y
Almost forgot he didn't correct you because as you know there was nothing to correct . And that is case closed .
SSgt Michael Bowen
SSgt Michael Bowen
>1 y
SGT Jerry Ericsson - Had a Butter bar do it to me when i was a private for not saluting him in his car with his wife or girl friend i was distracted by what i was doing he turned around pulled up and read me the riot act I think he just wanted to show off at my expense , In the end i don't think it went the way he wanted it to she looked very embarrassed even humiliated a little . But then so was i .
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