Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron 48, Helicopter Maritime Strike Wing Atlantic

Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron 48

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PO1 Stephen Moran

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Unit history

HSL-48 was established 7 September 1989. Beginning with 147 plank-owners and three aircraft, the VIPERS have grown to a complement of 50 officers, 229 enlisted personnel, and 14 aircraft. Squadron aircraft meet fleet operational requirements in the Pacific, Atlantic, Mediterranean, Caribbean, and Middle East regions of the world.

On May 2nd, 2014, Cmdr. Edward O’Grady assumed command of Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 48 from Cmdr. Eric Bower. This change of command marked the transition from HSL (Helicopter Anti-Submarine Light) into HSM. Under the new HSM-48 standard, the squadron would operate the MH-60R and move from the SH-60B that had been in service with the Vipers since the squadron’s inception in 1989.
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Unit Contact Information

HSM-48 SDO: (904) 463-3497
HSM-48 ASDO: (904) 270-6810
HSM-48 ADMIN: (904) 270-6810 ext 103
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Famous members

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Most recent contributors: PO2 Alfredo Pacheco

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