Responses: 5
I've made thousands of these campaign keychains. The one below represents the Iraq & Afghanistan Campaign medals. I pass them out at various events where veterans are involved (VA stand downs, information desk at VA hospitals, etc). The best thing about handing them out is the stories you get. I handed a WWII Pacific Campain campaign to a man wearing his WWII Marine hat and thanked him for his service. He immediately recognised it 70 years after the fact for what it was. As he was about to be wheeled away by his elderly son he told me about his days on Saipan. It was a nightmare to say the least. His son had tears in his eyes and told me that was the first and only time he ever heard hus father speak of the war. All brought out by a keychain?! I went int overdrive after that experience andmade a lot. I passede them out at the PTSD clinic where I worked and had groups where we got together and made lots of them together for other service members. It let those in group drop their defenses and we were able to share some tightly guarded bottled up experiences.
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