Posted on Aug 5, 2014
SSG Robin Rushlo
Atheists want guard to stop bible handouts what is your opinion
If you do not believe in the BIBLE GOD JESUS etc do not take the BIBLE. Easy answer
Posted in these groups: Atheism symbol Atheism
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Responses: 187
MSgt Keith Hebert
Sorry just say no thank you and leave it at that.
Could start a rant but will decide against it
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SFC Equal Opportunity Advisor
I agree with the post uptop ^^^^^. Don't take it if you are a non believer.
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CAPT Gary Foster
Atheists need to respect the freedom of religion guaranteed by the 1st amendment to our Constitution. Quit DEMANDING everything be changed just because it does not serve you. Like many comments, just refuse to take a free bible if that is your desire. You might decide to change your mind should you be captured or under fire. Amazing how many people will begin to pray when faced with dire circumstances. Case closed. Next!
CPO Engineering Geologist
CPO (Join to see)
>1 y
I'm Christian, but I'm not a regular church goer by any means. That said...I went to a number of prayer meetings while in the Sand Box. Even went to a Passover celebration. Even cracked my free bible open once in a while.
PO2 Religious Programs Specialist
PO2 (Join to see)
9 y
"Quit demanding everything to be changed just because it does not serve you"... The entire process ignores atheists... All we want is inclusion, and yet the religious throw fits about it... Despite what most people think atheists need guidance too. I'm more than happy to facilitate for Christians... I do it every day as an RP, I enjoy it... All I ask is equal consideration and respect.
CPO Engineering Geologist
CPO (Join to see)
9 y
I don't understand why they have such a problem with something they don't believe exists. I have no issue with them not believing.
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SGT Team Leader
Atheist don't like it, they should be discharged for inability to adapt to military life.
SSG Practical/Vocational Nursing
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>1 y
Using your logic, if christians object to following the law, prohibiting the gov't establishing a preference for one religion, then they should be discharged for failing to uphold their oath to the Constitution.
A1C Jared Gonzalez
A1C Jared Gonzalez
9 y
Religion is not a requirement of military life.
CPO William Hughes
CPO William Hughes
9 y
Religion is not a requirement for any life.
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SGT Artiesa Woods
Here's the deal...the Constitution allows for religious freedom. That includes the freedom to be religious and the freedom to abstain from religion. There has been a lot of talk on here about not wanting religious articles paid for with tax dollars, but what people are failing to realize is that religious organizations are 501(c)(3) organizations, or, tax exempt. If these organizations want to give religious materials to be handed out to Soldiers, who are we to interfere with the religious freedom of the Soldiers that wish to express it. It is only too easy for Atheists to turn their nose at the Bibles just as they have turned their noses to God.
SSG Practical/Vocational Nursing
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
SGT Woods, what you are failing to realize is that the courts have ruled many times over unfettered access. A particular group may not have exclusive access to promote their beliefs. Doing so establishes a preference for that belief over others, which is illegal based on court rulings.

Who are we to interfere with it? We are service members sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. Note, it does NOT say "uphold and defend only the parts we agree with..." You are obligated to uphold all of the Constitution, regardless of whether you agree or not. And courts have ruled against exclusionary tactics which allow only one viewpoint in gov't.
SGT Artiesa Woods
SGT Artiesa Woods
>1 y
SSG (Join to see), nothing about this says that it's unfettered simply says that an Atheist complained about a Bible...I call BS. If you don't want a Bible, don't take it. It really is that simple.
SSG Practical/Vocational Nursing
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
SGT Artesia Woods, however the article also fails to further expand if other material was available. That is the point of contention. If other materials are not allowed, then it crosses the line as established by the Establishment Clause, and assorted rulings by the federal courts, including the SCOTUS. A gov't entity is not permitted to favor any particular religion over another, or even belief over non-belief.

So, taking this in consideration, if only the gideons are allowed to place material there, then it is a violation, and as such is prohibited. It is really that simple.

Now, if there are multiple different options that invalidates the complaint. But we do not have that information, unfortunately.
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SSG Platoon Sergeant
I myself don't consider myself Christian nor do I consider myself an " Atheist" as the media likes to say. With that being said, you respect someone the same way you expect to respected. Either

A. Take the bible as a handout and see the smile on their face

B. Simply say "no thank you" and continue with your day.

Either way is respectful and maintains the professionalism we are expected to portray as soldiers.
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PO2 Corey Ferretti
Where i am confused is why this is an issue. it is offered so it can be turned down. its not like they are say you have to believe so take this. I dont understand Some Atheist because they get offended by something that they dont even believe in. I have friends that dont believe and we get along fine and im not closed about my belief and he is not closed about his non belief. I dont force my belief on him and in turn he acts the same. Everyone has the right to there belief and in the military we have a a Chaplin for just about every major religious preference. I would like to know would these Atheists be up set if the Tanakh was being handed out or the Koran. What i find weird is every one seems to be ok with religious freedoms until Christianity is brought up then it becomes a filthy word.
SP5 Michael Rathbun
SP5 Michael Rathbun
>1 y
It depends on who is giving it away.

If a copy of [your example literature here] is handed to me by a civilian who is obviously not part of the official military proceedings, or is on a table that is clearly designated "US Armed Forces do not sponsor, condone or condemn any items on this table. Provided by civilian donors.", I have little problem.

If, however, whatever I am going through involves my going past a person who is apparently part of the function and acting in an official capacity, and that person hands me a religious publication, this I would protest.
PO2 Corey Ferretti
PO2 Corey Ferretti
>1 y
SP5 Michael Rathbun So what you're saying is if a Chaplain from any denomination is offering up there literature you would have a problem with it. I am asking because i may be miss understanding your last paragraph.
SP5 Michael Rathbun
SP5 Michael Rathbun
>1 y
If a Chaplain is passing out literature having to do with the services offered by the Chaplain Corps, I have no problem. If it is sectarian religious literature, the Chaplain has a problem.

NOTE: I was not officially a chaplain's assistant, but I did play one part time in a combat zone. We were VERY careful to segment the DoD literature from the religious literature.
PO2 Corey Ferretti
PO2 Corey Ferretti
>1 y
Ok i see what your saying now.
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SFC Mark Merino
I take the same approach when they come to "convert" me at the door. No thank you. I respect what you are doing but please respect my privacy.
SSG Maurice P.
SSG Maurice P.
>1 y
If your an atheist DONT TAKE THE FREE BIBLE let someone else benefit from it...but to stop it because you dont like it fuck you and your mama...
i bet if you were in a serious fire fight in iraq or afghanistan you wouldnt care if a jewish soldier or a pagan marine or a christian female airman or sailor stepped up to the plate and saved your sorry ass at the risk of their own life...
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SPC Randy Torgerson
This shit is out of control....! I don't like Charmin toilet paper, I like Costco toilet paper, so guess which one is in my house? I don't advocate Charmin going out of business. (pun intended)

As tame as Christianity is today, it is mind boggling why anyone would go advocate against it..... I guess I need to fall back "again" to the fact that you can't negotiate with crazy.....
A1C Jared Gonzalez
A1C Jared Gonzalez
9 y
Not all Christians are tame, and not all Atheists are crazy.
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SP5 Tom Carlson
Personnaly, I think they should telll the ATHEISTs if the don't want a Bible don't take one,, as for the writings on the wall, I think it is sorta like t.v. if you don't like it... don't look or change the channel....
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