Posted on May 26, 2015
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
Is us china collision inevitable
China said Tuesday that it plans to extend its military’s global reach to safeguard its economic and maritime interests while declaring that it does not seek confrontation with its neighbors despite their “provocative actions” over disputed islands and “meddling” by the United States.
Edited 9 y ago
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Responses: 9
SSgt Auto Total Loss Claims Associate
I think you & I are in agreement on this one GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad, this is quickly turning into the new Cold War. We need to keep vigilant, but know that actions are far from happening at this time. The repercussions of any actions would be devastating to the entire world, not just the two countries involved.
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
9 y
As you said SSgt (Join to see) --- you and I are in agreement on this one! I agree that this won't happen overnight, but with the U.S. heavily involved in the Middle East, this could creep up on us mighty quick.
SSgt Auto Total Loss Claims Associate
SSgt (Join to see)
9 y
You know it. Not only that, but I'd be wary of any alliance that Russia & China cobble together. It is an interesting chess game.
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Capt Seid Waddell
China is on the ascension in military power while we are busily disarming.
I am reminded of the world of the 1930s and the results the world suffered as a result.
When America disarms the totalitarians of the world rush in to fill the vacuum.
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
9 y
A very disturbing truth Capt Seid Waddell.
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SPC Steven Depuy
Eventually, Russia will get the jitters as they grow and the two of them can shake each other down, we can't afford an arms war with China, we need to stop trying to be the policeman for the world, and just take care of our own, and support our real allies. I remember in 1979 a few months before I was supposed to come home, China and Vietnam had been having issues and Russia and China had some kind of border issue happen, we went on the most serious alert of my time in West Germany, people were writing wills. We were told we were going to attack Russia if they started a war with China. Never could figure that one out, but thought I was going to die right before it was time to come home. After all, when I got there as a 17 year old kid, the first thing they did was tell me how we were outnumbered (Might have this messed up after 39 years) 13-1 in men, seven to one in tanks, 4-1 in artillery, or some stuff like that. For the time being, Russia and China have had the enemy of my enemy is my friend going on. But eventually that will end as China becomes a threat to Russia. China needs us, because our money feeds their economy. I suspect sooner or later, Russia will be the one they set off insecurities in. Then again, I was a high school drop out SP-4, so what the bleep do I know about national security and global war anyway, right....
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
9 y
Yeah, I cannot help but wonder what would happen if China and Russia put aside their differences for a while and joined forces against us. Scary thought to say the least SPC Steven Depuy.
SGT James Elphick
SGT James Elphick
9 y
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad that is why we need to get India on our side. We should be the one's selling them weapons and aircraft carriers, not the Russians.
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China plans to extends its military's global reach. Should the U.S. be concerned?
SGT David T.
As long as we are their largest consumer, there is little to worry about in terms of direct conflict. A nation safeguarding its global interests is nothing new, every nation that is capable does this to some degree. I think the concern for many is the fact that we no longer have a monopoly on this type of behavior. The key is open communication with each other to ensure that there are no misunderstandings. Our forces have already clashed with theirs and the world didn't end. It is in neither countries' interest to get in a conflict with each other. This could change quickly but that's just how I see it as it stands right now.
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PO1 Dustin Adams
China and Russia both know that the United States does not currently have the political willpower to take action to stop their expansions.

Russia is slowly moving west since we have shown we won't take action like we did when they invaded Georgia.

China is expanding east, as they know the current political powers won't risk the fragility of our economy.
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Cpl Anthony Pearson
We should all be concerned, and should have BEEN concerned. China is a real threat, one that can escalate very quickly.
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SPC Jeffrey Bly
You better insure the 2nd Ammendment stands and that as many Americans as possible stay armed. China will want it all someday.
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MAJ Ken Landgren
Yes because China is claiming like 90 of the shipping lanes in the South China Sea, claiming islands, and creating man made islands. China is acting like the big dog.
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SGT James Elphick
In general the US is concerned because the rise of China is a challenge to our hegemony. But anyone who has been paying attention knew this was coming. Fighting 2 wars while at the same time cutting taxes and then increasing other discretionary spending has put us in a position in which we cannot afford an arms race with China. However, we don't necessarily need to either. As SGT David T. pointed out, it is in neither of our interests to get into an armed conflict with one another, especially since we have the capability to replace their manufactured goods whereas they lack a replacement market. Since we know that our position as hegemon is waning the intelligent thing to do would be to increase our ties to key allies and build/increase some others (i.e. India) and create a hegemonic network of allied nations if our interest is maintaining some sort of global dominance status. If our interest is merely security and stability then there are many more options at hand.

TL;DNR - No need to worry, we should have seen this coming, we still have options just in case.
LTC Bink Romanick
LTC Bink Romanick
9 y
SPC Steven Depuy
SPC Steven Depuy
9 y
My taxes got cut, must have missed that one, making an increase smaller is not cutting
SGT James Elphick
SGT James Elphick
9 y
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad That is very true.

SPC Steven Depuy The Bush Tax Cuts in 2001 and 2003 happened to nearly coincide with our entrance into the 2 wars
SPC Steven Depuy
SPC Steven Depuy
9 y
I worked for a small business when the "Bush Tax Cuts" took place. The owner could only depreciate 25K per year in equipment, and had 12 vans and trucks. All he could ever do was buy used vehicles. When the evil Bush tax cuts took place, that was raised to 100K per year. Over the next three years, he bought 9 new vehicles, instead of used ones. Which did more for the economy. The evil Bush tax custs were not all bad, and much of it made a lot of sense, if you actually learned what some of it was, instead of getting your view on things from your favorite pundit on either side of the isle. I don't like the Republicans any more than the Dems, but many things that get hyped on the news, are not always factual. A good example is "the bridge to no where" in Alaska. It was a bridge to connect a small Alaska town, to its airport that was on an island. If you know anything about Alaska, then you understand how important a link that was. But it got cancelled due to political hype. Those wars you refer to were already going on when those tax cuts took place in 2004 as well. Saying the wars were a result is about as credible as when Rachel Maddox claimed the gulf oil spill was a result of President Bush lifting the ban on off shore drilling in 2008. The Deep Horizon well started producing in 2001, and was approved during the Clinton years.
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