Posted on Apr 14, 2015
SSG Richard Reilly

I just responded to a post in another thread that made me think of this gem.

1. What is the best/worse corrective training that you either gave, or witnesses.
2. Do you think it was lawful?

Avoid naming names.
Note I will assist with #2 with a quote from a Army Regulation.

AR 600-20, Chapter 4, Paragraph 4-6b (1);
"(1) The training, instruction, or correction given to a Soldier to correct deficiencies must be directly related to the deficiency. It must be oriented to improving the Soldier’s performance in their problem area."
Posted in these groups: Leadership abstract 007 LeadershipTrain2 Training
Edited 10 y ago
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Responses: 7
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
I've told this story before here.

I had a young Marine who was getting into the habit of being late. A little late, not a lot, but it was approaching "common" so it had to be addressed.

I had him meet me with his E-Tool at the base of the hill in Camp Horno on Saturday at 0800. I provided a bucket. He filled said bucket and met me at the top of the hill. It was a mile to the top. Empty bucket, meet me back at the bottom of the hill at the designated time with a full bucket. Rinse repeat, all day long.

Seeing as I was teaching him to be: 1) In the proper place, 2) at the proper time, 3) with the proper equipment, 4) in the proper uniform

Using an "object lesson" I would say it was lawful. I wasn't causing him any injury. I was going up and down that stupid hill with him. Sure, I wasn't digging holes, but he knew knew I wasn't just sitting there making him dig holes either. I had "some" effort, even if it wasn't "his" effort.

After our "lovely" day of strolling up the mountain together, we never had an issue with tardiness again, so I think it met the criteria of "oriented to improving the Soldier’s performance in their problem area"
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
MSG (Join to see)
10 y
Nice thinking and planning.
SSG Richard Reilly
SSG Richard Reilly
10 y
See I always thought it came down to be a little creative with teaching Soldiers how to "unf**k" themselves.
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
MSG (Join to see)
10 y
SFC S, I had a Team Leader that did the same thing. I remember a few mornings being at the flag pole for some corrective training back in my younger dumber days. He was always right there with me, too.
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MSG Intermediate Care Technician
Whenever any of my Soldiers (NCO's and Juniors alike), screw the proverbial pooch, my go to correction is essays. Their instructions are to write a 500 word essay in pen, no errors and in print so I can read it. Also, I ask for references on info they gathered. Granted, the look I give them puts a little thought in their heads that I am going to smoke them. One of my Soldiers actually told me after turning in his assignment, that he would rather have been smoked.
PO3 Steven Sherrill
PO3 Steven Sherrill
10 y
MSG (Join to see) I would argue that you did smoke them, not with physical labor, but mental labor can be far worse especially when you want them to site sources. You made them use... a library. Ouch that hurts.
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
MSG (Join to see)
10 y
I know. How dare I try and get their minds educated. What was I thinking, right?
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SGT Signal Support Systems Specialist
Edited 10 y ago
I have seen a few smoking sessions.

I got written up for Volunteering!! IS that a good one?
Of course it wasn't legal.
That's why my 1Sgt looked, read, laughed at and threw it away.

I personally never gave a smoke session when I was in. I was one of those that to be respected, you've got to earn it. My soldiers worked hard.

I did have a 2Lt try to write me up... That didn't go well either. I guess she forgot she wasn't a NCO anymore. IDK. Go figure. She just didn't like me. What can I say? Not many women did... And I have NO IDEA why so many didn't. Eh.
PO3 Steven Sherrill
PO3 Steven Sherrill
10 y
SGT (Join to see) I could tell you why, but then I would be the sexist mesoginist dinosaur, and since I can't even spell that I will stop now.
SGT Signal Support Systems Specialist
SGT (Join to see)
10 y
Baha! I get it PO3 Steven Sherrill One female NCOIC actually stated that I got the highest score on the NCO Board BECAUSE I was the only female. Of course it was held in Iraq with SF... But I knew my questions and I rocked the "making the board members laugh." And I was VERY professional... so she could just kiss my arse.
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