Posted on Jan 12, 2016
SSG Platoon/Supply Sergeant
Where are you from and why did you join? Did you know that Appalachian folk (Hillbillies is what we are called sometimes) are more likely to die for their country than any other region in America. We also comprised 17% of the military force during WWII. That sounds negligable but it is also the highest per capita service among American Regions.
Theres a lot of reasons for this based on my reading. Appalachian men are very patriotic for one, and the job market is horrible in the mountains. Lack of education was also a prime motivator for joining the military.
This phenomenon of Appalachian military mortality is called Sgt York Syndrome and has been widely studied.

I became curious about the current military and what region they hail from and what was their reason for joining. If I didn't fully encompass your region in the poll/survey, please respond with your location.

This question is to assist me in a research paper that I am working on in college so the more data, the better.
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Responses: 20
SFC Pete Kain
I was raised in South Cal. near Vandenberg A.F.B . I never could get the hang of asking would you like fries with that. My father was a Marine and after the Chosin Reservoir he went A.F. After that past, I decided the Army was for me. Well that and I am prone to sea sickness.
SSG Platoon/Supply Sergeant
SSG (Join to see)
9 y
I like the reasoning.
Mine was "do you want thin crust or regular crust"
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COL Charles Williams
New Jersey. The area had no real impact on my decision. Perhaps it did... Single Mom... had to figure it out myself... So....

In 1979 I had a scholarship to play college hockey out of HS. I went for a year as Phys Ed Major... I was an average player, a horrible student, as liked parties and hockey more than school. It was apparent I was not going to make a career out of hockey. One of my HS buddies who I played with in college, asked to come to the recruiter with him for moral support... He joined the AF, I joined the Army.

I joined the Army because college was not the answer at the time. I tested with the Navy and they wanted me for their Nuke program, but I was not feeling school or looking for more school at the time. So, I thought maybe I would endeavor to be NJ State Trooper... and Army was the best option to that end at the tome. So, I enlisted as a MP, and once I was in... it just felt right.

I hope that helps. SSG (Join to see)
SSG Platoon/Supply Sergeant
SSG (Join to see)
9 y
Wow, that was a great story. I think the same thing happens with quite a few Single Mom families. I have had several Soldiers under me that came from that environment. Yes, very helpful.
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CPT Jack Durish
Edited 9 y ago
(Get ready for a good argument) I'm from the South: Maryland. Yeah, I know. You don't think that's the South. Well, it is. It was a slave-holding plantation state that didn't secede with the rest only because Lincoln, with the help of the state's governor, was able to keep the legislature from convening to vote for it. Harriet Tubman (remember her, founder of the Underground Railway) was born into slavery on a plantation in Maryland. I could go on, but that's not the question (I'm just anticipating the cries of "foul")

Baltimore is a Northern city in the middle of a Southern state. It was heavily populated by Germans who were recruited by the Union to fight in the Civil War. (Which is why Baltimore at one time consumed more beer per capita than any other city in the world and left me with an appreciation for it) They had no other place to go when the war ended and took over the city. They were joined by freed slaves inasmuch as it was the closest major city to where they were freed from. Thus, I grew up with conflicted politics: A city dominated by Republicans who freed the slaves and Democrats in the surrounding areas who owned and fought to keep them. It definitely caused me to be circumspect in my political views.

However, the greatest influence was the Chesapeake Bay. That's where I spent most of my formative years. I hid from an abusive father by going sailing, fishing, swimming, etc on its waters. I crewed for yatchsmen who became my surrogate fathers. I explored its multitudinous rivers and creeks. (The Bay has more coastline than the entire West Coast of the United States) I ate some of the finest seafood in America and that influence has left me disappointed with almost all other regional fare.

Like most Southerners I grew up with a great appreciation of the military. I was a guinea pig at the Army spy school at Fort Holabird when the experimented with methods of better teaching foreign languages. I used to sit on a boat and admire the marksmanship of the men at Aberdeen Proving Grounds who could sink a small buoy with left over mortar rounds after completing their firing on Pooles Island for the day.

Sorry for getting carried away but you asked...
SSG Platoon/Supply Sergeant
SSG (Join to see)
9 y
It's a great story so don't be sorry.

I have mixed feelings about
Maryland being "south". But I understand where you are coming from. I have some really great country friends there as well as in PA. But I really think it's the area of the state that you are from and what pedigree you come from. It sounds like you had some awesome experiences. Thanks for sharing
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