Posted on Jun 26, 2015
CPT Military Police

Missouri has a volunteer state militia. Prior to the civil war the governor would and could call upon it's members to address emergencies, now the state has the National Guard to call on for emergencies, however the state militia continues to exist. It is not a part of the Reserve Military, it is a private defense organization of the state of Missouri, not funded by the state or federal government. Many of it's members are prior military. Their training occurs much the same as on the schedule for the Reserves and National Guard. appreciate all of your replies. I want to be clear here though that what I am talking about is NOT a State funded, ran, structured, controlled organization. It does not fall under the state government in anyway. The meetings, dates, times and locations are by invitation and or for members only. I have provided additional links to their web sites below, in the thread.
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Edited 9 y ago
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Responses: 77
Capt Richard I P.
"A well regulated militia *being necessary* to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." I swore to support and defend this document, which calls the existence of a well regulated militia necessary to the security of a free state, so no doubt, it should exist.
COL Jon Thompson
COL Jon Thompson
9 y
I think some of your comparisons are flawed. It was the Continental Army with the French that defeated the British. The militias were very undisciplined and unreliable. The Warsaw uprising failed to do anything and was suppressed by the Nazis. While the militias caused casualties in both, in the end they did not accomplish anything. When you look at Afghanistan or Iraq, we went into foreign countries with different cultures and different languages. We have also been bound by the law of land warfare. Those would not apply for a tyrannical government here. I do hope I never see the day that this happens.
Capt Richard I P.
Capt Richard I P.
9 y
COL Jon Thompson The continental army would never have been raised but for the militias of New Hampshire and Massachusetts 19 April 1775, nor would it have been equipped but through the stockpiles of those militias and the protection they enacted of it. The French would never have committed had not the militias offered the time space and equipment for the Continental Army to prove the dedication and capability to win. Sure, the Warsaw Ghetto was crushed, so was every other ghetto, but one of them attriteted the enemy. Incremental gains. Sure, we were hampered by operating outside our own culture, but the insurgents opposing us were operating against another culture (and one with vastly improved technological understanding) imagine a more even match between insurgent and occupier in both cultural and technological understanding.

As to hope against Tyranny, we share that hope, but I think its important to keep a check on the ambitions of would be tyrants with the threats of undisciplined and unreliable opposition that can delay and attrite while more disciplined and able forces are prepared and maneuvered to defeat the tyranny.
CPO Joseph Grant
CPO Joseph Grant
9 y
Capt Richard I P. First off I apologize for the inadvertent down vote. I corrected it immediately. Secondly, I wholeheartedly agree with your posts. Well said, Sir. We are at the end of the lifespan of a democracy and those militias will be needed as we descend into a dictatorship. They'll be more effective than people think. They'll know the land, have the support of large numbers of the populace and will have the greatest motivation known to man, they'll be fighting for family and kin.
Capt Richard I P.
Capt Richard I P.
9 y
CPO Joseph Grant Thanks for your kind words, I surely hope we have some remaining decades on this democratic republic's lifecycle. I think one of the main utilities in the militia is in their very existence and potential as a check on the ambitions of would-be tyrants. Maybe people who would seek total control will settle for milking the tax code or the rotating door of politics to lobbying some and living fabulously wealthy on ill gotten gains, or adding some velvet bars to the margins rather than turning truly repressive.
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COL Charles Williams
Edited >1 y ago
I thought the National Guard of today was essentially the state militia, until federalized... is that not true? They trace their roots there? (update)... who know this group was even here???? I say no, but it appears many think these state groups have a place.
LTC Bink Romanick
LTC Bink Romanick
9 y
COL Charles Williams The State Guard is part of the NJ Dept of Military and Veterans Affairs authorized in the state constitution. The Commander is a Rear Admiral supervised by the state Adjutant General. The Rear AdmItaly plays position has been vacant for some time.
LTC Bink Romanick
LTC Bink Romanick
9 y
COL Jon Thompson the 1st and second battalions are authorized to be armed (but never were) the law enforcement duties would occur only if deputized in time of civil unrest.
COL Charles Williams
COL Charles Williams
9 y
LTC Bink Romanick - Hooah. Thank you. I had no idea.
Col Colonel, Chief Nurse
Col (Join to see)
6 y
Not so.
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SFC Mark Merino
We had request from a member of the Texas militia to become a verified member. I wasn't touching that one with a 10ft pole.
PO1 John Miller
PO1 John Miller
9 y
SFC Mark Merino
The Texas State Guard is a state-recognized militia force, though I believe that it is different than the Texas Militia:
CSM Command Sergeant Major IN
CSM (Join to see)
9 y
PO1 John Miller - Yes, you are correct in your belief. The Texas State Guard is exists under the authority and control of the Adjutant General of the Texas National Guard and Governor of Texas. The Texas State Militia does not have any ties to the state - in fact, it seems just the opposite.
PO1 John Miller
PO1 John Miller
9 y
CSM (Join to see)
Here in AZ we are authorized a State Guard but it has not actually been created. It is not to be confused by the various groups calling themselves names such as Arizona State Militia, Arizona Militia, etc. who in my opinion are a bunch of yahoos who want to position themselves at the Mexican/US border to take shots at any illegals trying to cross into the US.
PFC Student Teacher
PFC (Join to see)
8 y
Hahah yes the regulated militias and the SDFs are completely different. Many SDFs are considered attachments to their states NG and train/work alongside them
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