Posted on Nov 16, 2013
Col Regional Director, Whem/Ssa And Congressional Liaison

Does your unit participate in either Mo-vember or Mustache March? Do you consider this a tradition, good lighthearted fun, or something else altogether different? Alright, let's see those amazing photos, any leftover photos/stories from Movember are still good-to-go at this point, or even a previous year's event like a "'stache dash" or mustached running event? How about those glue on 'staches, an epic draw-on 'stache, or even the classic 30 day 'stache (just before hitting rese, a.k.a. shaving)! I know there's some outstanding photos of the elusive "field 'stache" and the ever-present "deployment 'stache" out there... so, whatever category or type, we want to see them! There are many stories out there both past and present--some pretty entertaining--on the subject of 'Mo-vember' or 'Mustache March,' here's your opportunity to tell your tale and share those outstanding mustacheographs (pictures), and we all know that there are some outstanding examples out there; please, feel free to share your any photos, links, sound files, or anything else needed to help tell your story, and of course please don't hesitate to share your thoughts--good, bad, or indifferent--on the practice as well as any stories, experiences, historical or military cultural context, etc.; well, I'm certain that this will prove to be a genuinely fun and informative conversation, so pull up a keyboard and let's get this thing started; thank you for all that you do, and... see you all in the discussion threads!   




Note: the original thread from this past November involved both "Movember" and "Mustache March," the title was updated in anticipation (and celebration) of Mustache March, and will return to a dual title at the end of March. Thanks for all that you do, now lets get out there and grow some sweet 'staches!

Edited 10 y ago
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Responses: 37
SGT William B.
Sir, as a tall, skinny half-Korean man with the build and face of a 12 year old girl, I cannot for the life of me grow a mustache.&nbsp; It comes in very thinly, with significant spacing between each follicle.&nbsp; I'm still rocking it on deployment, but I look like a catfish.<br><br>I'll be rectifying this though.&nbsp; I just ordered fifteen dozen fake mustaches a week ago, which should cover the rest of the time here in Bagram.
Col Regional Director, Whem/Ssa And Congressional Liaison
Col (Join to see)
>1 y
It is the will to 'stash that counts, we all can't grow to Tom Seleck-level mustatus! Thanks for sharing, oh, and just make sure the fake mustashes are groomed to standards, you don't want to walk around Bagram with a "Cheech Marin-stash!" lol  Thanks for sharing, both you (and your mustache) get home safely!
SFC Senior Small Group Leader (Ssgl)
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I had to come back and re-read this, It hurts Im laughing so hard
Col Regional Director, Whem/Ssa And Congressional Liaison
Col (Join to see)
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Yes, never give up on your dreams, with proper training and diet, and perhaps a well timed Christmas miracle, you just may stand a chance for an honorable mention in the (wait for it)... Mustache Hall of Fame!

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LTC Jason Bartlett
I am a strong advocate for the month of Movember. As with breast care awareness month I cannot stress enough the importance to raise funds and awareness for prostate and testicular cancer research.  Last year during my deployment a few of us grew out are stache's with support from our COC (O6-010) just kept it reasonable. Was definitely great for morale and gave everyone something to laugh at. Beware not everyone should grow a mustache.
Col Regional Director, Whem/Ssa And Congressional Liaison
Col (Join to see)
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Most excellent support for Movember and for a good cause; absolutely true about the 'stash is not for everyone, but I suppose that is part of the morale boost of Movember... the comedic-value is certainly there! Great story thanks for sharing!
Col Regional Director, Whem/Ssa And Congressional Liaison
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MAJ B, here's a nod to 'Movember' as we move into it's close cousin "Mustache March!" Of course after you mentioned those deployment 'staches, we might have to ask for some motivational and historical photos from the event! lol
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SSG V. Michelle Woods
This is ridiculous! Y'all turn dang near every month into some form of creepy mustache month lol. 

I fear women will start participating and then you'll really regret it lol.
Col Regional Director, Whem/Ssa And Congressional Liaison
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Oh boy, SSG Woods called us all out on the overzealous follicular obsessive behavior and subsequent sweet 'stache celebration... well, what can I say... guilty as charged! lol  I'm starting to regret it already! Haha
Maj Chris Nelson
Maj Chris Nelson
>1 y
How about armpit April?? The women could play also!!
SSG Cannon Crew Member
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tisk tisk tisk SSG Woods, women already participate in mustache month, and they usually beat some of the males. They also have "side-burn of the quarter" competitions too. You should see the welts we get on our backsides when we congratulate them on their success.

SSG V. Michelle Woods
SSG V. Michelle Woods
>1 y
Haha what, y'all can't appreciate a little good game?? 
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Do you participate in "Movember" or "Mustache March?"
SFC Senior Small Group Leader (Ssgl)
I have mine growing full force right now.  Most people walk through the hangar and see me and cant help but comment, some positive (Hey, that's not too bad on you), some not so positive (Dude, that's creepy as hell). I only do this once a year, or during a deployment, so why the heck not.
Col Regional Director, Whem/Ssa And Congressional Liaison
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SSG McNichol, great support for Movember, I'd imagine that even if you don't participate in Mustache March, you can definitely appreciate another month of unit sponsored follicular growth!  Wow, priceless reaction in "Dude, that's creepy..." awesome! So, we'll definitely have to ask you to post any motivational photos leftover from what sounds like was a very eventful and completely hilarious Movember!
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SGT(P) Transportation Nco
I tried last year and was told it had to go for a change of command ceremony, had to chop it off this year because my scuba mask wouldn't seal and diving is no fun with eyeballs full of murky salt water 
Col Regional Director, Whem/Ssa And Congressional Liaison
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SGT(P) H, my condolences on sacrificing the sweet 'stache for the CoC ceremony, perhaps a best of both worlds scenario--(see SPC(P) Bradley's post above about enhanced temporary stash technology above)--may enable you to safely dive 'AND' sport a sweet stash! lol  Great story, thanks for sharing!
SGT(P) Transportation Nco
SGT(P) (Join to see)
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"temporary stash technology"  by far the best thing I heard all month!
CW3 Network Architect
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A change of command ceremony???  Um, no.  670-1 allows mustaches.  I'd be raising an issue for a one-day event.
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SGT Chris Birkinbine
The closest thing I ever had to this, was once while in the field, our First Sergeant "Heavily suggested" we all grow mustaches for the entire month long field exercise.  wasn't November, and I think he really just thought it was amusing. It was. Some people (to include me) should never be allowed to rock just the stache.
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Col Regional Director, Whem/Ssa And Congressional Liaison
Beard fight
Read and heed! lol
Col Regional Director, Whem/Ssa And Congressional Liaison
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"Never bring a mustache to a Beard fight."  - Unknown
SSG V. Michelle Woods
SSG V. Michelle Woods
>1 y
Mmmmm...beard... :)

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CPT Assistant Operations Officer (S3)
There are not mustaches in the infantry. It is not allowed. 
Col Regional Director, Whem/Ssa And Congressional Liaison
Col (Join to see)
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Thanks for sharing 2LT Rosa, perhaps one day in the not so far-off future the 'stache will make a sweet comeback, I have a dream that one day the infantry and the 'stache will once again become one! lol Thanks again for sharing! 


SGM Sergeant Major
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2LT Rosa - So not true! LOL. I was rocking the Infantry mustache in Germany from 94-97. It helps when trying to camouflage in the bush.
MSG Human Intelligence Collector
MSG (Join to see)
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Why not?  Why cant you have a moustache in the Infantry?

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Lt Col Privileged Advanced Practice Nurse
Laser-hair removal provides  a far superior  " finished product "  to waxing, or chemical removals.... In the civilain world there is a whole sub-speciality of Nurse Practitioners who specialize in this unique field.    As they say "One mans treasure is another man's "trash".   (By"trash", I mean unsightly sprouts of undesirable follicular growth on a female face)

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SSG Robert Burns
I do but I have to start in September for anyone to notice.
Col Regional Director, Whem/Ssa And Congressional Liaison
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SSG Burns, it's all about the end state, there should be "no shame in this game" you know, there's nothing wrong with gaining a "running start!" In the end, it's all about the finished product, and enjoying the journey along the way. --wisdom paraphrased from the North American League of Mustaches doctrine, chapter 5, para. 3, under the subheading "Growing, Care, and Maintenance." 
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