Posted on Apr 13, 2019
If there was a knowledge-base for 21st century leaders not yet in leadership, what advice or experience would you contribute?
At some point, these poorly thought out initiatives are going to not only fail, but they are going to cause the country to implode on itself just like the twin towers at 911. Then these unqualified, pseudoeducated leaders are going to be looking to history and strong competent leadership knowledge to dig the country out of the abyss.
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 13
Dont take yourself to seriously.
You serve your people not the other way around.
Always look at the big picture and dont sweat the small stuff.
Dont be a dick.
LTC Stephen F. SP5 Mark Kuzinski COL Mikel J. Burroughs SMSgt Lawrence McCarter Maj William W. 'Bill' PriceCPL Dave Hoover SSG William Jones Sgt Vance Bonds SGT (Join to see) Cpl (Join to see) SGT Rick Colburn PO1 H Gene Lawrence Maj Robert Thornton PO3 Bob McCord SPC Douglas Bolton CWO3 Dennis M. Lt Col Charlie Brown TSgt Joe C. PO3 Craig Phillips CW5 Jack Cardwell
You serve your people not the other way around.
Always look at the big picture and dont sweat the small stuff.
Dont be a dick.
LTC Stephen F. SP5 Mark Kuzinski COL Mikel J. Burroughs SMSgt Lawrence McCarter Maj William W. 'Bill' PriceCPL Dave Hoover SSG William Jones Sgt Vance Bonds SGT (Join to see) Cpl (Join to see) SGT Rick Colburn PO1 H Gene Lawrence Maj Robert Thornton PO3 Bob McCord SPC Douglas Bolton CWO3 Dennis M. Lt Col Charlie Brown TSgt Joe C. PO3 Craig Phillips CW5 Jack Cardwell
MAJ Byron Oyler
I could not agree more with your second billet. I see my rank, experience, and position appropriately used taking care of others.
SSgt Boyd Herrst
Listen to the little peeps and make a show you care and do s’thing occasionally for them..
Good day my friend PO3 Phyllis Maynard. Here are my initial thoughts.
1. Never forget where you came from and the lessons you were taught.
2. Lean from both good and bad experiences. Emulate the good and work to never repeat the bad.
3. Be self-motivated as much as possible.
4. Take to heart that those you lead are important. Remember to lift everyone up in your organization through training, education and service opportunities.
5. Expect to work you way up and be grateful for each and every advancement opportunity.
6. Accept responsibility for good and bad in your organization. The buck stops here needs to be true.
7. Publicly acknowledge success and those involved and privately counsel for failure. Work to correct and be judicious in punishing.
1. Never forget where you came from and the lessons you were taught.
2. Lean from both good and bad experiences. Emulate the good and work to never repeat the bad.
3. Be self-motivated as much as possible.
4. Take to heart that those you lead are important. Remember to lift everyone up in your organization through training, education and service opportunities.
5. Expect to work you way up and be grateful for each and every advancement opportunity.
6. Accept responsibility for good and bad in your organization. The buck stops here needs to be true.
7. Publicly acknowledge success and those involved and privately counsel for failure. Work to correct and be judicious in punishing.
PO3 Phyllis Maynard
LTC Stephen F. Bravo! I am speechless, because I see how you led on active duty.
SSgt Boyd Herrst
Very insightful thoughts LTC Stephen Ford, Sir. ...
1. Remembering where we came from: ... I came from parents that brought me up to do good and take responsibility for my actio(s) and inaction(s)
2. Remembering the lessons I was taught (as I went forward.. some I had to write down so I remembered to do them correctly.. as much as possible (mistakes do happen, so I kept note of them too so I don’t repeat them.. it does happen on occasion.. j
3. Learn from both Good and Bad
experiences.. here’s where the notes come in... they are like history lessons; If we don’t remember the bad lessons we are bound to repeat them..
3. Being self-motivated as possible.. This pays off in job and position retention .. So when doing job assignments... give that extra %-tage (and don’t gloat, let others sing your praises and bestow accolades where due).. Adversaries may want your job so don’t plan on them pouring accolades on you. Well somr may
But usually in a pretense to appear fair.. some you can read easy like a ‘dime novel’. Some not so.. If they see the boss recognizing your motivation, they will emulate to a point so they can be recognized too.
4. Taking to heart those I lead are important . All those I lead are important.. most likely w/o them(their backup)I prob’ly would not be leading them. They’ve come to trust my leadership to get them through tough spots.. that’s why I need to remember how Important they are. They are not just automatons to take advantage of and work to the point of pass’g out.
Making sure they get the training needed to do the job .. I sometimes cannot be there due to extenuating
Contigencies ( illness,emergency in family sitrep.. If they know what is needed to be done, they can carry on.. I show my trust in them and recognize them for it.. A recommendation for a position..
5. Expecting to work my way up:
And being grateful for each and every opportunity.: There are times i’ve Done the work and had s’one else get the position.. I thought my best wasn’t good enough so I re-evaluate my approach. Then I Got called in..
I found the reason the Chef called the other guy to take a position at a
facility at a remote site.. He didn’t like him.. They had very little business it was on outskirts of town.. He’d get shortened shifts, less support team.. less of a check.. get sent home frequently.
I didn’t like the guy either.. I found that the more I trained him and he turned on me stealing my recipes, altering and resubmit as his ow.n.
I caught him. When he submitted the idea.. he took shortcuts.. I told him he needed to keep track of what he deleted.. so he could go back and repair.. I had a second copy of those recipes.. it seems I caught him in time.. he hadn’t rework all just some.. I was still working on them.. trying to perfect.. in some I found being simple was better. He had tried to recreate
Making too lavish, expensive to make.. I costed out my ideas.. he didn’t . He begin to realize why I difn’t over extend.. it would make to expensive with little or no profit..
it’s the same making an invention to do a job easier.. one can only do so much improving and the costs (material, man hours making the parts to make the invention work..
(Ex: somebody invented a special pen that could write every which way but loose.. it cost thousands in every part of production.. the Russkies used a nickel graphite pencil that could do the same thing that thousand dollar pen could do)
outweigh the value of the invention.
Well Schmidtz is out in Peoria at a facility that had very little business..
He remembered what I told him with the recipes he didn’t screw with.. The crowd that passed through didn’t like lavish expensive food . He had a lot of work to do and never came to fruition.. and he wasn’t getting the hours to be able to work on making a better lunch or dinner.. The hotel sold the restaurant.. they wanted to put a 30 room motel with it.. And Schmidtz was relieved of his position.. he got a small severance
The employees they hired went and got other jobs or unemployment insurance checks.. i don’t know what happened to Schmidtzy..
He went to work s’place else.. did Herman Schmidtz work for .______\
He worked here is all the Corp said..
no endorsement.. He kinda did it to himself..
6. Accepting responsibility for good and bad in the organization: I accepted it for those on my crew..
those I had responsibility for and too.. Schmidtz betrayed me and went on a different crew.. Yes he was trained by me.. but betrayed my principles.. Hinesty was a big one.. I tried to work with him and turn him around.. part of his dishonesty was he Stole what was mine.. I was partly at fault not regard’g the registering the recipes for protection . I got recipes that were trashed and released from protection.. Some being too expensive.. materials, season (using out of season parts runs up the price and how much man time needed to use, clean products for the item.. whether mine or a subordinate it all had to be taken into consideration (like the $1000 super pen).. so some ideas were seasonal ..
7. When my assigned crew did good at their work, it was acknowledged.. Those in trouble I worked with to try and Bring them on to the straight and narrow. What I did with them was between us..
If I sent them home.. I had a way of doing so there’d be no embarrassment.. John has an emergency at home. I even employed a phone call from another section in the hotel.. I never on The spot fired a worker.. that wasn’t my call.. I had one the boss thought was literally screwing up..
I I told the boss to call him in tomorrow and do it but not here tonight or today.. not in front of the others.. He wasn’t a bad person.. he needed more understanding..
I thought he had a Special Ed problem. In fact I was sure of it and asked the boss to find him other employment through MI-Works Agency .. I had a day off and came into work and talked the big Boss.. the boss’s boss.. We got him a job with our clean’g company they
Also cleaned other facilities even for our competitors.. So Jay went from Food service kitchen worker to being a floor custodian at a production facility. .. it seems he was more cut out to do that than being a kitchen worker.. His sister said he was happy and a good steady worker. And that’s important. We made his termination not look bad.. he just was not cut out to do the kind of work we do . His sister said he was only off work two weeks and started doing 4 hour days , then 6 and finally 8.. they had to teach him to use the auto-floor scrubbers
and what solutions that couldn’t be used in the office building because of carpeting. .. anyway he got s’thing he could do .. I had others I thought would be better s’where else and direct them there .. and they take it from there.. ..
1. Remembering where we came from: ... I came from parents that brought me up to do good and take responsibility for my actio(s) and inaction(s)
2. Remembering the lessons I was taught (as I went forward.. some I had to write down so I remembered to do them correctly.. as much as possible (mistakes do happen, so I kept note of them too so I don’t repeat them.. it does happen on occasion.. j
3. Learn from both Good and Bad
experiences.. here’s where the notes come in... they are like history lessons; If we don’t remember the bad lessons we are bound to repeat them..
3. Being self-motivated as possible.. This pays off in job and position retention .. So when doing job assignments... give that extra %-tage (and don’t gloat, let others sing your praises and bestow accolades where due).. Adversaries may want your job so don’t plan on them pouring accolades on you. Well somr may
But usually in a pretense to appear fair.. some you can read easy like a ‘dime novel’. Some not so.. If they see the boss recognizing your motivation, they will emulate to a point so they can be recognized too.
4. Taking to heart those I lead are important . All those I lead are important.. most likely w/o them(their backup)I prob’ly would not be leading them. They’ve come to trust my leadership to get them through tough spots.. that’s why I need to remember how Important they are. They are not just automatons to take advantage of and work to the point of pass’g out.
Making sure they get the training needed to do the job .. I sometimes cannot be there due to extenuating
Contigencies ( illness,emergency in family sitrep.. If they know what is needed to be done, they can carry on.. I show my trust in them and recognize them for it.. A recommendation for a position..
5. Expecting to work my way up:
And being grateful for each and every opportunity.: There are times i’ve Done the work and had s’one else get the position.. I thought my best wasn’t good enough so I re-evaluate my approach. Then I Got called in..
I found the reason the Chef called the other guy to take a position at a
facility at a remote site.. He didn’t like him.. They had very little business it was on outskirts of town.. He’d get shortened shifts, less support team.. less of a check.. get sent home frequently.
I didn’t like the guy either.. I found that the more I trained him and he turned on me stealing my recipes, altering and resubmit as his ow.n.
I caught him. When he submitted the idea.. he took shortcuts.. I told him he needed to keep track of what he deleted.. so he could go back and repair.. I had a second copy of those recipes.. it seems I caught him in time.. he hadn’t rework all just some.. I was still working on them.. trying to perfect.. in some I found being simple was better. He had tried to recreate
Making too lavish, expensive to make.. I costed out my ideas.. he didn’t . He begin to realize why I difn’t over extend.. it would make to expensive with little or no profit..
it’s the same making an invention to do a job easier.. one can only do so much improving and the costs (material, man hours making the parts to make the invention work..
(Ex: somebody invented a special pen that could write every which way but loose.. it cost thousands in every part of production.. the Russkies used a nickel graphite pencil that could do the same thing that thousand dollar pen could do)
outweigh the value of the invention.
Well Schmidtz is out in Peoria at a facility that had very little business..
He remembered what I told him with the recipes he didn’t screw with.. The crowd that passed through didn’t like lavish expensive food . He had a lot of work to do and never came to fruition.. and he wasn’t getting the hours to be able to work on making a better lunch or dinner.. The hotel sold the restaurant.. they wanted to put a 30 room motel with it.. And Schmidtz was relieved of his position.. he got a small severance
The employees they hired went and got other jobs or unemployment insurance checks.. i don’t know what happened to Schmidtzy..
He went to work s’place else.. did Herman Schmidtz work for .______\
He worked here is all the Corp said..
no endorsement.. He kinda did it to himself..
6. Accepting responsibility for good and bad in the organization: I accepted it for those on my crew..
those I had responsibility for and too.. Schmidtz betrayed me and went on a different crew.. Yes he was trained by me.. but betrayed my principles.. Hinesty was a big one.. I tried to work with him and turn him around.. part of his dishonesty was he Stole what was mine.. I was partly at fault not regard’g the registering the recipes for protection . I got recipes that were trashed and released from protection.. Some being too expensive.. materials, season (using out of season parts runs up the price and how much man time needed to use, clean products for the item.. whether mine or a subordinate it all had to be taken into consideration (like the $1000 super pen).. so some ideas were seasonal ..
7. When my assigned crew did good at their work, it was acknowledged.. Those in trouble I worked with to try and Bring them on to the straight and narrow. What I did with them was between us..
If I sent them home.. I had a way of doing so there’d be no embarrassment.. John has an emergency at home. I even employed a phone call from another section in the hotel.. I never on The spot fired a worker.. that wasn’t my call.. I had one the boss thought was literally screwing up..
I I told the boss to call him in tomorrow and do it but not here tonight or today.. not in front of the others.. He wasn’t a bad person.. he needed more understanding..
I thought he had a Special Ed problem. In fact I was sure of it and asked the boss to find him other employment through MI-Works Agency .. I had a day off and came into work and talked the big Boss.. the boss’s boss.. We got him a job with our clean’g company they
Also cleaned other facilities even for our competitors.. So Jay went from Food service kitchen worker to being a floor custodian at a production facility. .. it seems he was more cut out to do that than being a kitchen worker.. His sister said he was happy and a good steady worker. And that’s important. We made his termination not look bad.. he just was not cut out to do the kind of work we do . His sister said he was only off work two weeks and started doing 4 hour days , then 6 and finally 8.. they had to teach him to use the auto-floor scrubbers
and what solutions that couldn’t be used in the office building because of carpeting. .. anyway he got s’thing he could do .. I had others I thought would be better s’where else and direct them there .. and they take it from there.. ..
PO3 Phyllis Maynard
PVT Mark Zehner you've got it going on! All jackasses please vacate your seats and get a real job. Then tell your constituents how it feels.
SSgt (Join to see)
PO3 Phyllis Maynard - When Congressmen think Guam is going to capsize we have a VER serious problems. The smart and good ones another job (Trey Gowdy) called both sides out.
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