Posted on Feb 3, 2015
LCpl Steve Wininger
ISIS and terrorists have been committing atrocities for a long time now. How much more can happen before the United States gets more actively involved? Will it take another 9/11 type event before the president finally takes the threat serious. He has a difficult time even labeling them as terrorists in some instances.

There is now proof that ISIS burned a captured Jordanian pilot alive. can the United States still stand by while atrocities like this continue?

Is it time for the President of the United States to become more active in combating the growing ISIS threat? They have made direct threats against the United States, attacked citizens in other countries, and have a growing number of followers globally, including the US.

What do you think the US should do?
Posted in these groups: Isis logo ISISImages Barack ObamaSafe image.php Terrorism
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 71
Cpl Peter Martuneac
Absolutely nothing, that's what. This isn't our problem. Everyone always begs America to take the lead and curb-stomp terrorists all across the globe. Then when we do it, they scream at us for doing a good job of it. Let Jordan and Japan handle their own problem. Let the Kurds and the Iraqis handle their own problems. If they want to take their sob story somewhere, take it to the UN and see what kind of response they get. America shouldn't be the whole world's big brother that will win fights for them.
Cpl Charles Thompson
Cpl Charles Thompson
>1 y
Man this phone app is crap. I was saying these idiots all meth charged, Are humanities war, If we do not react to these clowns and continue until they are gone we will see them here
SPC David S.
SPC David S.
>1 y
Look what happen when we stayed out of Europe's business back in the 30's. Its much easier to put out a camp fire than a forest fire.
Cpl Peter Martuneac
Cpl Peter Martuneac
>1 y
SPC David S. True, but ISIS could never pose as serious of a threat as Nazi Germany did, nor could they be as easily defeated. Nazism was a political party that hit the jackpot of right time, right person, right place. ISIS is based on a 1400 year old religion. Short of genocide on a biblical scale, we could never truly defeat them.
SPC David S.
SPC David S.
>1 y
Totality agree with on this being a war of ideologies. France, UK, and to a small extent the US have all been attacked. I hope Jordan brings some order to the region. I say arm Jordan with nukes and let the cockroaches scatter when the light comes on.
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Sgt Jay Jones
L/Cpl Steve Wininger, thank you for selecting this topic. In my opinion ISIS is a cancer that needs to be wiped off the face of the earth. I do not believe they represent those who believe in the Islamic faith. I am not a fan or supporter of the Islamic faith, but it appears to me that most of the people being killed by ISIS are other Muslims. I fail to see how they can even justify their actions. Regarding the Jordanian pilot who was "burned alive", recent intelligence evaluations are questioning whether or not the pilot was in fact already dead. Not that this makes it better, but the thought of being burned alive is an horrific and painful death, but the pilot is still dead not matter if before or during the burning. What should be done with ISIS? First the United States needs to explore where they are getting their recruits from. As I understand one origin is a particular Mosque in Minnesota. I would infiltrate this Mosque to find out how these young people are being convinced to join the ISIS forces. Another source of recruits are our very own prisons. We need to look into our judicial system and prison system and determine alternative incentives to offer inmates to keep them from turning to Islam and thus ISIS. We must also employ the talents of the CIA to increase our HUMIT. Electronic intelligence is a great aid, but nothing beats Human Intelligence. This is the only way we will be able to reduce ISIS's numbers, by killing them!
LCpl Steve Wininger
LCpl Steve Wininger
>1 y
Sgt Jay Jones I totally agree, ISIS is a cancer, for the world. I have seen articles and reports that ISIS recruiters like to target kids the same way gangs do. It is easy to convince a person that has been down on their luck all their life to join something where they feel they are someone and their life has purpose.

I do not think preventing them from turning to Islam is the problem. The problem is those who hide behind God (as well as women, children and the elderly) in the name of Islam to do evil is the ones that need to be identified and eradicated. It is the extremists that are the problem.

You hit the nail on the head, identifying where the recruits are being targeted and finding alternatives in the judicial, including the juvenile system to keep people from falling for the lies of ISIS is key.

Great points.

I think your last solution is the best. Electronic intelligence will never replace common sense and quick thinking of humans. Not just America, but I believe the world is relying to much on electronic intelligence.
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CSM Command Sergeant Major IN
We can hurt them here and there, but they are an enemy we cannot defeat and a cancer we cannot cut out. The best chance we have to rid the world of them is for them to go too far for even the Muslim world; for the remaining Muslims to turn on ISIS, to be just as ruthless and without conscience as they are and to fight fire with fire. Beheadings, rapes, slavery and mass murders don't seem to bother the Muslim world so we'll see if burning another Muslim alive will cause them to raise an eyebrow. I hope this is the event that will start that --- but I'm not going to hold my breath.
LCpl Steve Wininger
LCpl Steve Wininger
>1 y
I know some Muslims at the university I attend. The ones I talked to this evening seem pretty upset about it. While they did not openly condemn it ( I didn't ask if they did), they did say it was not right.
CSM Command Sergeant Major IN
CSM (Join to see)
>1 y
I don't know if there is anything that would shock the conscience of Muslims to the point of them coming together to police their own.
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SGT Christen Newell
Evil will continue when good men do nothing.
LCpl Steve Wininger
LCpl Steve Wininger
>1 y
Sadly SGT Christen Newell "do nothing" seems to be the trend.
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PO3 Stuart Prettel
One more thing - I've been a law officer for 40 years. Right now there is a terrorist criminal case in every state but one, Alaska. THEY ARE HERE NOW!!! Do not let the liberal media fool you - these muslims are locusts and must be exterminated!
LCpl Steve Wininger
LCpl Steve Wininger
>1 y
I agree PO3 Stuart Prettel they have been here for some time. Additionally, what concerns me the most is the sympathizers that are Americans, and have been off the radar.
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SPC Christopher Shanahan
I think they crossed the line long before they burned the pilot. They have raped and killed women and children and have massacred entire villages. This most recent execution is just another straw on the camels back. They are taunting the U.S. and they aren't going to like the consequences. They keep going after innocent civilians that aren't able to defend themselves. Not only do they need to be exterminated, but their ideology needs to be wiped off the face of the earth.
LCpl Steve Wininger
LCpl Steve Wininger
>1 y
It looks like the POTUS may be preparing to do more than air strikes. I read where he is expected to ask Congress for authorization to use military force against ISIS. What the force will consist of and the extent to which it is used remains to be seen.
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PV2 Glen Lewis
My opinion no matter if it is ISIS or any terrorist organization is that they and theirs should be eradicated. You leave one alive you leave the idea alive to fester and grow into another perhaps more repulsive and lethal threat. No mercy, not even a little bit. The king of Jordan has exactly the right idea and we shouldn't get involved unless that is what we intend the end result to be . It's what we should've aimed for right from the very start of our involvement in the Middle East. If we are going to fight by all means LET'S WIN!
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SGT Patrick Abrams
Not to ruffle any feathers or talk politics, but we should have done something a long time ago. If we had a CIC worth more there would be divisions with boots aground. I don't like seeing America in another war but I fought hard in that hell hole and I have eight to many folded flags sitting on desk from close friends to see all our hard work pissed away from the pansy ass whatever that it seems America has turned in to. End rant for the day
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SPC Steven Depuy
I did find the response from Jordan almost comical. Like, OK, now you pissed us off, we are going to really try now? Am I a moron, or did anyone else kind of get that take from their statement after that happened.
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PO2 Mass Communication Specialist
This isn't specifically an "American" problem. It's time for middle east countries to start standing on their own feet and take up arms against those like ISIS who clearly can't get along well with others.

In my opinion, after being stationed in Bahrain for a hot minute, it seems to be the practice of many nations in the gulf to sit back and watch from their protected borders as other countries are torn apart from the inside by radicals. The only time they decide to take any action is when members of ISIS are knocking on their front door. The Jordanians had to learn this the hard way with the gruesome execution posted online for the entire world to see.

Unfortunately, this also scared one of our allies in the region, the UAE, to leave the coalition...

I'm sorry but if you're a pilot one of the major risks is getting shot down and captured. If you can't accept that then it's time to find another line of work. The UAE could learn a lesson about self-reliance from Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh.

In regards to ISIS, congratulations you have the world's attention. Let's see how long you last.
PV2 Glen Lewis
PV2 Glen Lewis
>1 y
I know it isn't and I agree that these people need to start taking care of their own problems. I'm just saying if we're going get involved then don't take half measures. I've watched three wars where we have done just that and 1000s of US servicemen have basically given their lives for nothing. It has, in my opinion, cost us the respect of the world and set us up to be the fall guy for every nation we've allied ourselves with over during the past 60 years. Before this there was WWII, Korea and Vietnam along with a host of conflicts that I'd have to research to give you the names of. I'm also fed up with supplying every Tom, Dick and Harry around the globe with food, money and munitions while they backstab, insult and turn our own resources against us.
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