Posted on Sep 3, 2015
Capt Walter Miller
Obama has proven to be feckless and ineffective.
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 136
Capt Walter Miller
Edited >1 y ago
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Capt Walter Miller
Edited >1 y ago
“...the difference between reported unemployment and all unemployment – including those on the fringe of the workforce – has remained pretty constant since 1994.

“Labor participation is affected much less by short-term job creation, and much more by long-term demographic trends. As this chart from the BLS shows, as the Baby Boomers entered the workforce and societal acceptance of women working changed, labor participation grew.

“Now that ‘Boomers’ are retiring we are seeing the percentage of those seeking employment decline. This has nothing to do with job availability, and everything to do with a highly predictable aging demographic.

“What’s now clear is that the Obama administration policies have outperformed the Reagan administration policies for job creation and unemployment reduction. Even though Reagan had the benefit of a growing Boomer class to ignite economic growth, while Obama has been forced to deal with a retiring workforce developing special needs. During the eight years preceding Obama there was a net reduction in jobs in America. We now are rapidly moving toward higher, sustainable jobs growth.”
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SrA Firefighter Driver/Operator
Politics have always been an essential part of America ever since 1776 and since that time we have had and bad leaders. From my perspective, the President has a tough job and does it to the best of his ability. If it wasn't for social media, we wouldn't here about half of the things he was doing, and I think that's why people have a negative stigma towards him. Plus, only a little over half the country voted for him so of course he's not going to be liked and theirs going to be biased opinions about him, but is he a bad President? No, he's just doing his job like everyone else. (Plus the President is there more so for international relations; he can create bills, but it has to pass through congress which holds most of the deciding factor.)
PO2 Robert Cuminale
PO2 Robert Cuminale
>1 y
Presidents doing their job enforce the laws of this country. His mismanagement of immigration is costing us billions of dollars in all areas. The IRS reports $10 Billion in EITC fraud. In one example 44,000 tax refund checks were sent to one address in Atlanta. People have observed Hispanics following the mail deliveries to empty mailboxes of refund checks. Locally (NC) a curious homeowner went to the mailbox before the guy could get there and found a treasury check issued to a Latino person. Postal Inspectors say it is a nationwide fraud.
Our emergency rooms are filled with them and nearly 100 of them have closed in the last five years because of losses. A few years ago a Congressman called him a liar during the State Of The Union Speech. It was at the point when he was claiming that Illegals would not receive medical care under the ACA. Two months later Democrats pushed through a bill allotting $25 Million to health care clinics in agricultural areas. Any idea who is using that subsidy?
The impact of these people will hurt us for decades. The US stopped immigration for 50 years in order to allow the those who had come in to prior to 1920 to acculturate and move out fo their ghettos. My neighborhood in Brooklyn Calabrese was heard more than English. That neighborhood is now gone and all Hispanic. In my present home, Charlotte two huge sections of the city have become totally Latino. We have children starting school who were born here who do not speak English when they start school. Because of the continuous high influx of Spanish speakers these areas will never acculturate.
The media has covered up and protected this man from the get go. His "autobiographies are fabricated, he would use the last name of his mentor "Frank" because we would know it was Frank Morgan, a man on the FBI's top 10 list of people to be picked up in a war with the Soviet Union. His mother, father and grandparents were Communists. He has stated that when he started college he immediately looked the Communists on campus. His neighbor William Ayres and his wife Bernadette Dorhn were fugitives for years for bombings and are Communists. Obama denied really knowing the man yet he announced his candidacy at a party in Ayres' home and Ayres wrote the preface to one of his books.
He taught college courses on Saul Alinskie's "Rules For Radicals". (Hilary Clinton wrote her 92 page thesis on them.)
We are teetering on the edge of the destruction of this country and its ideals. Another presidency like this one will finish us off.
The military has been remiss in its duty to the Constitution and should have removed this hater of it long ago.
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PO3 Electrician's Mate
Obama is successful, because of the Oil price. It bring in money into those few oil producing states that create super majority of those job. and by the way, he is trying to stop that from the first day too with no result. Lucky that his unsuccessful act make his successful legacy. LOL
PO2 Robert Cuminale
PO2 Robert Cuminale
>1 y
He is still blocking the Keystone XL pipeline and is now hurting Canada which is slipping into recession.
PO3 Electrician's Mate
PO3 (Join to see)
>1 y
PO2 Robert Cuminale - A country is over relay on single economical factor will always suffer for the cycle of price change. Russian too in the same situation.
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Sgt Jay Jones
There is a lot of rheteric on this topic. Unfortunately only historians will truly determine if President Barack Obama was successful or a disaster. We all have opinions. I seriously doubt if anyone on RP will change their opinion concerning President Obama. So, let's let history make the call.
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MAJ Ken Landgren
The stock market quote kills me.
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SSG Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
Getting stats from a forward progressive site? Sorry, it does not fly. Check the recent numbers, it put these particular numbers to shame, proving these were just lies, and propped up.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
9 y
That was actually released by the White House. Are you saying that the president didn't sign such an order?

Wouldn't it be pathetic of you to say that?

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Capt Walter Miller
— President Obama is poised to sign an executive order in Boston requiring federal contractors to offer employees up to seven paid sick days a year, a move that could benefit more than 300,000 workers. The announcement will come momentarily during a Labor Day speech in Boston, part of an effort to push Congress to approve legislation that would provide similar benefits for millions of private sector workers. “The president’s trip aims to highlight a Massachusetts law, approved by voters in November, that provides employees with up to 40 hours of sick leave per year,” David Nakamura reports. “An estimated 44 million private sector workers — about 40 percent of the workforce — do not have access to paid sick leave, according to the White House.”
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
9 y
Geez, what is wrong with that guy?

Anybody see this on FOX?

Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
9 y
And this gives the GOP the opportunity to crap on private sector workers, which of course they will do.

You have to be a moron to vote for a GOP candidate - for anything.

Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
9 y
"On this Labor Day holiday, American workers who already get the least paid vacation time of any developed nation in the world and who are taking the fewest days off in four decades, must suffer through (or are treated to) the Republican presidential circus of the 2016 campaign, featuring more than a dozen presidential hopefuls who have demonstrated tone-deafness or outright disdain toward labor.

With a crowded field of 17 candidates, the GOP’s 2016 presidential slate features at least two leading Republican candidates who have risen to right-wing notoriety by pushing laws stripping collective bargaining rights from most public employees and another favorite who insists that Americans should just “work longer hours.” And that’s just a start.

So on this Labor Day, here are 10 times Republican presidential candidates have given American workers a giant middle finger."
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Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
SSG Gerhard S. - Oh, Lord above. The price for consumers should be set by the cost of production, which includes a living wage for the people who make it available to the consumer.

SSG Gerhard S.
SSG Gerhard S.
>1 y
Indeed, my point is that negotiating a ever higher union wage, the cost of production goes up. Of course those workers who got the artificial wage increase are untouched, and even have greater purchasing power when buying goods NOT produced by those with the higher wages. It is the poor that are harmed by the higher prices.
Regarding your meme above... Can you name anyone in office who have argued that people shouldn't be able to choose the Union of their choice?
SSG Gerhard S.
SSG Gerhard S.
>1 y
Name the living wage.... It is a very nebulous term by itself.
PO2 Robert Cuminale
PO2 Robert Cuminale
>1 y
Capt Walter Miller - So should some people in the military.
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Sgt Tom Cunnally
Obama wanted to leave a legacy on race you think he has been successful??
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
Beyond anything anyone could have dreamed.

He embodies what Dr. King said - "The answer to racism is excellence."

PO2 Robert Cuminale
PO2 Robert Cuminale
>1 y
If you count looting and burning, yes. His involving himself in race cases and influencing DOJ investigations will be legendary. Sending administration personnel to certain funerals and ignoring others has tipped his hand. He sees racism everywhere unless it's Black on White. 400 Blacks are killed by Blacks in Chicago and he ignores it. His Attorney General described himself as Obama's "wingman". He jumps the gun on cases and takes sides before a police report in even filed. He is a nuisance to order.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y

Feeling that he had failed to sufficiently address and explain the context of his relationship with the Reverend, Obama began writing the speech that became "A More Perfect Union". Obama's usual speechwriting practice during the 2008 campaign was to discuss major themes with speechwriter Jon Favreau, let Favreau write a draft, and then edit the result.[14] However, on Saturday, March 15, Obama dictated a lengthy draft of this speech to Favreau, who edited the speech the next day. Obama stayed up until 3:00 a.m. Sunday night working on the speech, and continued to work on it Monday and in the early hours of Tuesday. He sent his final draft of the speech to Favreau and campaign strategist David Axelrod.[15] After reading Obama's final draft, Axelrod sent him an email saying "This is why you should be president."[16]
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