Posted on Apr 17, 2015
Lt Col Jim Coe
Each of the Services has E-9s serving as senior enlisted leaders at the Service Headquarters and many lower headquarters levels--generally down to Wing level in the Air Force. Titles vary, Command Sergeant Major, Command Master Chief Petty Officer, Command Chief Master Sergeant, Sergeant Major, but the jobs are similar. They advise their commander on enlisted matters. They lead and advise the NCOs corps in their units and look out for the wellbeing and training of enlisted personnel. Many do much more. This group of senior NCOs are widely recognized as senior to other E-9s in the same organization and in subordinate organizations.

Should the Services recognize and compensate this group of exceptional leaders with establishment of an E-10 pay grade? DoD would probably have to seek Congressional approval for the new pay grade. Services would need to develop qualification standards and rules about promoting E-9s to E-10.
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Responses: 28
CSM Brigade Operations (S3) Sergeant Major
Absolutely NOT!!! Most nominative level E-9s already think they are the generals they advise. Making one "supreme enlisted leader" would be horrendous. I can see him/her now, rolling through military installations in his/her little Pope mobile waving at the peons.

Just the idea makes me want to drink heavily.
SFC Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Operations Specialist
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
Not to mention we already have the SMA rank. Why do we need anything more than that?
SSG Small Arms/Artillery Repairer
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
SGM I agree with you, not to mention that it will be an impossible sell to Congress anyway. We already have a SMA, we do not need to make it any more ridiculous.
MSG Paul DePrimo
MSG Paul DePrimo
8 y
No way, We already have CSM position which enforces uniforms, PT belt and all garrison traffic rules etc...what would an E-10 do enforce the E-9 by micro managing! Who thinks of this stupidity! ???
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MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P
We already have E-9's that think they are 20 star generals. Why fuel the over inflated egos that much more?
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1SG Steven Stankovich
Not a fan of the idea sir. Nominative CSM/SGM positions are already competitive enough with some Senior NCOs, by no means all, believe that they hold the rank of their officer counterpart. We already have a Senior Enlisted position at the head of each service. I do not believe there is a need for another pay grade tacked on to that position.

I could see it now...

E-10..."One Rank to Rule them All"

No good could come from that...
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