Posted on Nov 13, 2018
Soo I am getting ready to reclass to 92Y soon and my career counselor sent up the wrong request. Could another request get sent up?
I wanted to request Fort Hood and Fort Bliss and he sent up a request for Fort Sam Houston by itself and I so far I’m stuck with Fort Drum. I know for a fact that Fort Bliss is short handed and I’m pretty sure Fort Hood is short 92Ys (E-5) as well.
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 4
You have to be aware how Army policy makers think! To be frank and honest Fort Drum, NY is an Arctic hell whole inhabited by light infantry. They are almost always deployed somewhere. Except in the dead of the coldest winter months. Then they want you there to shovel side walks and parking lots to keep the post open. If not in a combat zone, then some other duty like West Point Summer Camp training, peace keeping missions or God only knows what else. Those types of War Fighter positions have the highest priority and are filled first with the best qualified, Physically Fit, deployable personal. The needs of the Army come first and the people in charge don't care if you don't want to go there they just want those positions filled with dependable soldiers and they really don't care if those people are all miserable and dissatisfied with that duty station. On the positive side if you excel in that environment you will be promoted. If not you will end up injured, in jail, or chaptered out of the Army. I went there as a SFC on emergency reassignment orders after my orders to Fort Hood were canceled for needs of the Army in 1993. Left four years later as a 1SG (P). I really did not like duty there but I excelled at two very difficult jobs that the 8 previous NCOs in that slot had all failed. One went to jail, two retired, and five were chaptered out of the Army for various reasons. Remember this was an E7/SFC slot that those other NCOs just felt was too hard so they bailed out rather than dig deep to succeed. I had guaranteed by contract orders to Fort Hood after serving an 18 month unaccompanied tour in Panama. The Army reneged on my contract for needs of the Army due to my career Army status with 14 years TIS. If there is one open slot at Fort Drum and 10 open slots at Ft Bliss or Fort Hood you will get the Fort Drum slot every time if you are healthy, capable and deployable! Some P2 or P3 profile guys will get those slots at Hood or Bliss. Best of luck to you but figured I would point out the not so obvious facts for you.
You don't get to choose your follow on assignment after a Reclass. You're assigned the highest priority slot that has a report date of shortly after your assignment. Not liking your follow on assignment is not a valid reason for submitting a follow on request hotline.
Ask for Texas, get a post that's 30 minutes from the Canadian border. Sounds like the Army.
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