Posted on Dec 3, 2014
1SG Company First Sergeant
With the recent amount of stolen valor it is hard to keep up with all the different threads being posted here on RallyPoint. From this point forward if you have a stolen valor question, comment, and or post, then add it here. The posts that currently exist will stay, as we don't want to lose the already existing discussion content. If you have started a stolen valor post prior to this and wish to have it merged to this one then feel free to let me know and I will merge that for you. The initial post will be gone but the discussion content will be merged to this posting.
Posted in these groups: 524395 331088503647420 191451722 n Stolen Valor
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Responses: 380
LTC Chief Of Public Affairs And Protocol
Sorry to hear this young Sailor felt so inadequate. Hopefully, he can recover from this painful and public lesson and find the path to success and fulfilment.
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CAPT Gary Foster
Apparently the generation of "me, myself and I" needs to feel like they have accomplished something by lying about it. Maybe it is due to the countless stories you hear daily about this government official or that public servant caught in lies or distortion of facts. The constant drum of this junk in the 24 hour news cycle perhaps entices people to try to get away with being recognized for things they didn't do or accomplish. Maybe it desensitizes everyone to just accept what is thrown at them as fact, without proper fact-checking. Look at Mrs. Clinton's claim about sniper fire years ago. That was a bold-faced lie and she was never held accountable. She got away with it. Look at the recent Ferguson, MO, case, where a kid robs a store and then dies struggling with a police officer. That story was stretched so far that people all over the nation continue to think the policeman involved is still guilty even though the facts have proven otherwise. As for stolen valor, it needs to be a crime punishable by UCMJ rules. If you want public admiration for war wounds you did not receive, then you suffer the consequences when you are caught. It makes you wonder what has happened to their conscience, and are they in the least bit bothered by living a lie.
SGT Jim Z.
SGT Jim Z.
>1 y
CAPT Gary Foster well put and you are absolutely correct about actions and consequences. Maybe this Seaman wants to be a Congressman or Senator and figured he start the embellishment story early.
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
>1 y
I have to believe that there have been people like this throughout history. It is just that today it is so much easier to verify such claims and then, once someone is caught, to publicize (and thereby shame) the individual. You would surely think that guys like this would learn that they are not likely to get away with such nonsense in this day and age.
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SFC Operations Nco
I, myself, am proud of what I have done and expect no praise or special treatment. However, a lot of my battles who have been injured or killed in combat deserve praise. I can not allow someone who has never served to purposely deceive those around him in order to gain the praise and acceptance that he/she never earned. If I allowed it I would be doing a disservice to my friends and fellow Soldiers, and I can not do that.

I agree that a lot of the videos seem to be motivated by tooting their own horn and that paints veterans in a negative light. We, as veterans, should not consider ourselves elitist and think that we are better than civilians because of choices that we and they made, but we should not let some try to claim what we have earned.

So I say keep those videos coming, but tone them down a bit.
SSG G3 Aviation Air Movement Request Nco
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
SFC Cortese, I completely agree, and that was the point of my original post. These videos need to be a) toned down, and b) the people who make them need to understand when they are defending their fallen brethren's honor and when they are actually enforcing the law. MOST of these videos that I have seen are only defending honor, as the civilian involved is not wearing one of the specific decorations protected and is not receiving a benefit.
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SGM Erik Marquez
Wear clothing all you want... they are just articles of clothing
Speak words all you is your right (though your right does not absolve you of reactions to your words)

But do either or otherwise claim to be a service member for profit, position, reward and I have an issue with it.
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SSgt Carpenter
SSG (Join to see) , sure didn't expect you to take this much flak for this!
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SGT Frank Leonardo
The point is simple they are claiming something they didn't do and trying to bribe people which is also wrong and as far as I am concerned YEP they should be locked up or made a public disgrace
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SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
You are not a friend but a nemesis with your words. You state exactly what others of your ilk want to hear. You come here to offend and by the way, your picture is disrespectful and that right there tells me about you and your agenda. I am still trying to figure out what you are saying here because I smell B.S. and it's not me.
SSG G3 Aviation Air Movement Request Nco
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
SSG L OI, please be so kind as to enlighten me as to what my "ilk" consists of. I didn't come here to offend, but to state an which I recognized would be in the minority. I hoped to have a civil discussion about it, and with the exception of your reaction (and possibly a couple others that are TBD), so far that's what I've had.
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SFC Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Operations Specialist
SSG Assistant Team Leader
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Just saw this one as well.

I know we, the military, do not often get confused with editors and English language scholars, however, his inability to pluralize words correctly, use appropriate grammar and stop slurring in general are more offensive than his message.

As his 'summer uniform' probably does not fit him, I'm forced to say the worst part of his message is that he can't keep Veteran's Day and Memorial Day straight. Which month is he even in???
SGT William Howell
SGT William Howell
9 y
I am not going to watch this video, because if I do I will find this guy and then I will beat that fat face till the white shows.
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SSG(P) Instructor
I am all for consolidating duplicate posts. We don't always ask the question the same good catch. Categorizing threads might be a great way to organize them...what a nightmare for all the admins.
1SG Michael Blount
1SG Michael Blount
>1 y
It's even worse trying to answer for these posers. Every time I see a post like this, I cringe a little inside - then take it out on the next poser I see.
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LTC Chief Of Public Affairs And Protocol
These people are taking advantage of the ignorance of the American people; most of whom have never served. They are nothing better than charlatans.
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