Posted on Jan 14, 2015
SSG(P) Instructor
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We have seen many things about our POTUS that many do not like about him, and while we have all had leaders we did not like, we could usually pick out a few things, or traits/characteristics you could use or emulate.

So, list the things you do like, keep it professional as always. What did momma say? "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say nothing all."

I'll start:
(1) President Obama broke the racial barrier. He earned an education, became a Senator and a lawyer and is now the President.
(2) He has given millions a hope that one day they can do something great, especially those from under privileged areas.

(3) He has largely supported the military until as of recently with the downsizing, which is inevitable in every decade, our leaders have to make cuts...we keep only the best and brightest, right?

(4) He is a very supportive husband and father, and we need strong father role models in today's society where fathers are as rare as a long term-marriage.

I believe he honestly wants good things for America...I don't necessarily agree with the way he is going about it.

(5) He authorized the killing of Osama Bin Laden.

I know there aren't many fans on RP, but if there is something you like, share it if you dare.
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 346
SSG (ret) William Martin
He puts the left shoe on the left foot. He put the right shoe on the right foot.
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
And then I know where he puts said shoes.
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MSgt Electrical Power Production
I will say he is at least a good person and I don't believe he wishes ill will on America. I do at times get the impression that he thinks he knows more then anyone else. But I don't think he is intentionally trying to destroy us. But I personally do not agree with his actions or policies. In my humble opinion he has not been what America has needed. I have never spoken of the man in a derogatory evil manner and don't approve of anyone speaking derogatory with evil intent on anyone. One thing that has been very classy by Mr George Bush is just staying out of all the lime light, name calling and criticizing the current POTUS. Even though his character has been routinely attacked by many, even from his own party. Its something I would like to see from more former presidents.
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PO1 Jason Taylor
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SSG General Services Technician And State Vehicle Inspector
Sorry but I have to heavily disagree with all of your points except for #3.
SGT Jim Z.
SGT Jim Z.
>1 y
Your statements though based on facts are opinion and people can and will disagree with you CPT Justin Rose. Your first point is factual up until your last line because for every "good" action is a "negative" reaction. The only real racial barrier he broke was the presidential barrier there were other blacks in House and Senate before and after him.
Sgt Packy Flickinger
Sgt Packy Flickinger
>1 y
I disagree with all of them. He only cares about taxing, spending, golfing, pissing off our allies, letting terrorists go and letting illegals in.

He loves American military? Why did he do nothing to get our Marine out of Mexico or send aid to Benghazi when he was forewarned of the attack.
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SGT John Wesley
Smh.... I can't believe you'd ask this question on a military forum.

I read it front to back and the majority were negative in nature, they obviously cannot read or follow directions.

As for something positive about President Obama? He's a great Father, as for his legacy, history will determine that, not CNN or Fox...
Sgt Jay Jones
Sgt Jay Jones
9 y
SGT John Wesley I truly like your post. Especially that later. Yes, history will determine his legacy. I'm sure if you asked people during President Lincoln's Presidency what kind of President he was, you would have received a lot of negatively as well.
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CPT Assistant Operations Officer (S3)
I like that I am not in Iraq.
Sgt Jay Jones
Sgt Jay Jones
9 y
1LT Eric Rosa, I'm glad as well. I just pray to God nobody has to go back.
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SPC Safety Technician
I like that he's black.

I'm not referring to breaking racial barriers, which is awesome. I'm not referring to the fact that, though slow, America is progressing and improving. I'm not referring to anything positive or negative he may have done in support or defense of the rights of minorities or individual freedoms while in office.

My community is full of racist, ignorant and closed-minded morons. It makes me smile to know that their day is made a little bit more miserable regarding something that in the long run is rather insignificant: their own prejudice.
CPT Ahmed Faried
CPT Ahmed Faried
9 y
Like Jay Z said

"My President is black, as a matter of fact
He's half-white
So even in a racist's mind, he's half right"

SPC Safety Technician
SPC (Join to see)
9 y
I hadn't heard that, but I like it.
SPC Safety Technician
SPC (Join to see)
9 y
I think you misunderstood our conversation. We're making fun of the southern conservatives that ARE racist. If you're not racist, then it doesn't apply to you.

Take it easy, MSG. No one is saying there's anything wrong with being a white, southern, blah blah blah. Not here, anyway.
Sgt Jay Jones
Sgt Jay Jones
9 y
MSG Steve Howell I live in Texas the home of Southern Conservatives. I truly have no problem with people who are Southern Conservatives. I don't have a problem with people disliking President Obama. You complain about people playing the race card. That is because people keep giving people like me the card to play. If I didn't have the card to play, it couldn't be played. I'm not saying you are playing it by any shape form or fashion. I honestly don't know you. I just know that when I hear rhetoric that comes from the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity who see nothing good President Obama has done and using veiled comments that relate to his ethnicity it upsets me. I truly don't like labels on people. I would prefer to call myself American, which I do, but society makes it necessary at times to refer to myself as African American. When I look at movies like "Aloha" that takes place in Hawaii and all you see are Caucasians! In Hawaii! Come on! It doesn't make sense. So, society and that includes Hollywood, keeps us in this "race card", "race baiting" merry go round. I say, let's lay it all aside. Let's not be Liberals, Conservatives, White Americans, African American, Mexican American, Asian American, German American, let's just be Americans with all the strengths from our cultures coming together to continue to make this the best country in the world.
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LTC Battalion Commander
I like the final resolve on Osama Bin Laden that is a positive.
SGT Scott Bailey
SGT Scott Bailey
9 y
He kept his promise, he went after and killed that piece of....
I think a lot of people hate President Obama so much, they can't see the good he's done or has tried to do with a congress who openly admitted they want to see him fail. There is no such thing as statesmanship any more. I disagreed with our last President on almost everything. But instead of calling him childish names and vowing not to support him, I chose to remain silent. I didn't want the rest of the world to see ME being disrespectful to our President. I think all democrats should have accepted the loss and move on. We have created such a hostile environment for ourselves and are leaving very poor examples for our children. To this day, I would still take a bullet for President Bush. He was OUR President, and deserves the respect that office holds. Imagine what we could accomplish if we worked together instead of against each other. I really miss the days when our Presidents were respected in public, no matter your opinion is. This Country is better than the way we ALL are acting. What good does it do to be so bullheaded? Together we stand, divided we fall. Americans have become their own worst enemies. The rest of the world is just waiting to see usfail. We will implode if we don't start acting like statesmen. I'm asking that every American respect each other and accept opinions that differ from yours. We need to act like Americans again. This is just my opinion. Alright, I'm ready for thebullets.
CPT Ahmed Faried
CPT Ahmed Faried
9 y
SSG LoGuidice, a counter-question to your quest to LTC Wilson is this. If the mission had failed would the President get the blame? (Look to Operation Eagle Claw for your answer)
LTC Battalion Commander
LTC (Join to see)
9 y
He is the President and our commander. Just like any leader who makes hard decisions, ultimately they are responsible regardless of the outcome.
CPT Ahmed Faried
CPT Ahmed Faried
9 y
exactly Sir. Just pointing out the hypocrisy that allows him to be blamed for a potential failure. But deprives him of praise for authorizing the mission.
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SGT Signal Support Systems Specialist
Edited 9 y ago
Uh, He only has two more years left.

The End.
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SSG Team Leader
Edited >1 y ago
Before his tenure, it was impossible for Soldiers like me to be able to hold up to one of the Army Values: Integrity. How can you expect any Soldiers to have integrity when some of them are forced to lie about their personal lives and hide their true sexuality on a day to day basis just to maintain a status in our Armed Forces? For some reason, this was accepted as the hypocritical norm.
President Obama, as much as I disagree with most of what he stands for, does stand for equality...and I like that. The repeal of DADT in 2011 followed by DOMA in 2013 was monumental in bringing our country up to par with others in regards to universal equality. I don't care what religion you are or what your personal beliefs are. ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. Period
SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
Thanks for sharing, many have agreed with you.
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